CCS Information for Mental Health John Turp Clinical Systems Project Manager
Mental Health Information Strategy Mental Health Information Strategy - March 2001 THE VISION..... Professionals in primary, secondary and social care, together with the public, service users and their carers will have timely, accurate and appropriate access to the mental health information they need".
Care may be long term or may occur in shorter but recurring spells Care is often provided by several organisations Co-ordination of the overall care effort can be difficult Care outcomes are relatively difficult to study Policy Context
Collection of mental health information is variable Limited IM&T Investment Culture Multiple Systems Poor Information Co-ordination and Communication The Changing Commissioning and Providing Agenda Varied Existing Informatics Initiatives Current Information Situation
South London & Maudsley April 1999 Merger of: Lambeth Healthcare Lewisham & Guy’s Bethlem & Maudsley Multiplicity of systems Patient Administration Social Service Systems Local Paper January 2000 Systems Review
CPA functionality at core. Caseload management & reporting. Event recording to provide co-ordination of care and intervention between settings. CCS Background Electronic solution - geographic necessity Clinical focus - designed & used by health & social care professionals to provide useful information. Bottom -up not top-down view of information. A single, readily accessible multidisciplinary casenote.
System based on clinical & administrative electronic documents. Completed by mental health staff directly enabling teams to work together. Maintains the look and feel of traditional records. Provides timely and accessible information at the desktop. Ability to ‘drill down’ into data to access the rich context of information. CCS Content
CCS Software & Infrastructure Lotus Notes Software platform Groupware / / messaging & knowledge management - moving information around organisations. Replication - 4 servers across Trust / ability to work despite the network / mobile 0ff-line users. Security features - data encryption / secure transmission /individual ID’s / configurable security options / audit trails
CCS Project 2001/02 Programme CCS access at additional 14 core CMHT’s Sites Develop system functionality Initiate specification work in MHOA & CAMHS Integrate information into performance indicators NSF TARGET - STANDARD CPA CARE PLANS AVAILABLE ELECTRONICALLY 2000 / 01 Programme Actively Support Trust’s CPA Policy Standardised documentation 6 CMHT Pilot Sites across 4 Boroughs NSF TARGET - ENHANCED CPA CARE PLANS AVAILABLE ELECTRONICALLY
Front-line staff access to IT Clinical Systems SLAM Intranet Desktop Internet Access Supporting Integrated CMHT’s Integrating Trust policies / procedures Rationalising IT / paper systems Upgrading IT infrastructure Introducing the Integrated Mental Health Electronic Record (IMHER) CCS Project
CPA NSF Targets for electronic documentation Direct input - less duplication Timeliness Out of hours availability Direct feedback to care staff Tool for instant audit Report generation (Executive & Mgmt) System rationalisation - reduction of double-keying Expected Outcomes
Developing the IMHER in SLAM Business Case approval Enhancing functionality Browser Enablement Secure connection through NHSnet to GP’s, partner agencies, pathology etc. Bed Management - integrating PAS functionality Mental Health Act Administration Incorporating workflow / care pathways