Introductions Tell of a “good day” in school. What made it “good”?
Setting Goals What are my hopes about having a student teacher this semester? What do I do to prepare: – A place for him/her to be in my room – Materials from my classroom in a folder: Class listclass rules Schedulemap of building Proceduresresources—texts, other Forms that need to be filled out
Supervisor —to see with greater perspective
Attitudes and Supervision Attitude of growth/life-long learner Attitude of relationship Attitude of professional sharing/mentoring
Definitions Supervision is any activity that directly influences the attainment of major instructional goals of the school. Teachers are in the forefront of successful instruction. Supervision is in the background providing support, knowledge and skills that enable the teacher to succeed..—C. Glickman, Supervision of instruction: A Developmental Approach.
How we supervise Formal and informal, developmental and cumulative How have you been supervised? Method and focus
Steps for formal supervision Stages: 1. Pre-observation conference Usually based on PDP 2. Classroom Observation Focused on goals of observation 3. Post observation Honest focused feedback
What we supervise in teaching 1. Presentation of content (differentiation) Age appropriate Interacting with new knowledge Practicing and deepening Generating and testing hypotheses (Standard 1, 2) 2. Assessment of understanding content Formal Informal Formative or summative (Stamdard 8)
Activity to establish goals Fish bone activity Sharing of goals Add to the goals sheet Pick 3 -5 goals—make them your own
Supervise what—con’t Respectful view of diversity – Differentiation to ability and interests – Attention to learning styles – Inclusions of other cultures, not just dominant culture – (standard 3)
Supervise what (con’t) Instructional methods – Choice of appropriate methods – Use of technology – Diseccting the elements of the plan: Interacting with new knowledge Practicing and deepening Generating and testing hypotheses Assessment Reteach or reinforce (Standards 4, 7 and 9)
Supervision-What con’t Classroom Management – Guest in your room to trying out new methods (risk to try) – Introduction of routines, procedures – Practice of procedures – Reinforcement of procedures – Facilitating group work and individual work – Motivation techniques – (Standard 3 and 5)
Supervision-What con’t Communication Use of professional register of language Respectful use of correction, humor Listening to student questions, comments and explanations Support student interaction
Supervision-Continued Collaboration with parents, colleagues, principal, community members Confidentiality and loyalty Other—internet is not private (standard 6, 10)
Supervise: reflection and self- evaluation Awareness of choices/ effects How do we do this: – Notes in observation log – Notes on lesson plans before and after – Comments to you that indicate reflection – Questions that seek feedback