This Man changed America as it is now. This man was the only hope for many people to have their rights and live freely. This man showed how mass peaceful actions could be used to solve social and political problems. His persuasion skills made him leaders of many famous groups that fought for U.S. Citizenship rights for many people. Who is this Man? Let’s find out! Introduction
Born in January 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. . He was the son of the assistant pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. Went to Segregated Schools Went to Booker T. Washington High School. Was able to skip ninth and twelfth grade.
He entered College when he was 15 years old First went to Morehouse College to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology. Then in 1948 went to Crozer Theological Seminary to earn a bachelor’s degree in Divinity. Finally went to Boston University to earn a Ph.D.
Became the first leader of the SCLC ( Southern Christian Leadership Conference). The SCLC was a group that wanted to end all forms of Segregation. Used forms of nonviolent protests to end segregations such as boycotting bus transportation. The Birmingham Campaign led by the SCLC was a march that protested against segregation of town markets, however it did not go well and was the First time this man was arrested.
March consisting members from the SCLC, CORE(Congress of Racial Equality), SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee),and the NAACP( National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). Over 200,000 people participated in the march At Lincoln Memorial this is where he gave his most famous speech. His speech convinced congress to pass the Civil Rights Act, which allowed all equal rights for Colored People.
Although he achieved what he wanted, he did not stop there. He opposed the war going on in Vietnam. He thinks that the American Government should be spending more money for programs that will help with the poverty in America and spend less money on building a better military. Then started the Poor People’s Campaign
In 1968, him and the SCLC started the Poor People’s Campaign which gathered people from the poorest communities in America to start a march on Washington. The march was to create a bill of rights for the poor Americans. He felt that congress were hostile to poor people because they spent so much money for the military. The bill was supposed to take money from the government to make jobs, give higher minimum wages and much more.
Was assassinated on April 4 th 1968 Was shot at in the right cheek that then went through the spinal cord and into his shoulder. The killer was James Earl Ray. Just like the Assassination of JFK, this was believed to be a conspiracy theory. His Poor People’s Campaign was decided to continue, but the bill of rights never got passed from congress…..
Who is this Man?
Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who wanted America to change their views on racial discrimination. He wanted equal rights for African Americans and he also cared for the poor. Martin Luther King Jr. also showed that problems can be solved without violence using techniques that he was taught from Mohandas Ghandi. Although not everyone agreed with him, like James Earl Ray, he pursued into the equal rights of everyone in America.