Muon Spectrometer Upgrade, July 14 th Muon Spectrometer Upgrade Matthias Grosse Perdekamp, RBRC and UIUC Physics Motivation Components of the upgrade People and Schedule o W-physics: Increase the rejection of the single muon trigger to 10 4 (design: 10 3, observed: 10 2 ). o Gluon saturation at small x in d-Au: Extension of the kinematic range for direct photon production to small x. o first level trigger for Heavy Ion Physics o Increase stability of muon trigger against beam related backgrounds. Front electronics and trigger
Muon Spectrometer Upgrade, July 14 th Physics Motivation W Production in pp Gluon Saturation in dA Level 1 trigger in AA Study color screening effects associated with QGP production in quarkonium states: The seperation of the (1S) state from the (2S) and (3S) states requires good invariant mass resolution (100MeV) and requires long runs at as high as possible integrated luminosity. Measure the A-dependence of the gluon distribution at small x: o Survey the dependence of nucleon structure on the nuclear environment. o Search for gluon saturation at small x: 10-3<x<10-2 o Survey initial state for HI high pT physics.
Muon Spectrometer Upgrade, July 14 th Level 1 Channel Rates electron trigger 4kHz (EMCxRICH, E>1.5GeV) R=3000 photon trigger (EMC>3GeV) 0.3kHz R=40000 Jet (EMC Multiplicity) 6kHz single muon 17.6kHz (muId deep muon) R=570 Others 2kHz Total 29.9kHz PHENIX bandwidth 12kHz (->24kHz for $2M) Projected Rates in pp: o rate from level 1 should stay below about 7-8kHz o can pre-scale electron trigger and jet trigger by factors 2-3 (as event samples are going to be several 10 6 events). o W sample is about o Maschine Luminosity will increase over several years (first 500 GeV production run: Time scale to fix the trigger problem is 3-5 years. o Ken Reed and Jamie Nagle et al. found “default R(uId)” of about o We do not have a reliable estimate of beam related background in the muon trigger. o need additional rejection of depending on the beam background trigger rate.
Muon Spectrometer Upgrade, July 14 th p muon Muons from Ws Nosecone Calorimeter Hodoscope I Pad Chamber I Cerenkov Muon from hadron decays Jet vs W Muon from W Muons from hadrons Nosecone calorimeter -> dA: low x, pp: W-tag, b-tag Pad Chambers+uID -> high momentum lepton and di-lepton trigger for pp, AA hodoscopes+uID -> pp: W-tag Cerenkov+uID -> AA: trigger, beam gas rejection pp: W-tag Hodoscope II Upgrade Components: Pad Chamber II
Muon Spectrometer Upgrade, July 14 th Pad Chamber: 360 azimuthal strips made as an digital.OR. of individual pads Amp/Disc.OR. 2 mm pitch proportional wire chamber for gain amplification Cathode plane
Muon Spectrometer Upgrade, July 14 th Level 1 Tracking: Hodoscope + muID RoadLevel 1 Threshold: Cerenkov + muID Road raw decay muons with muID lvl1 with tracking with Cerenkov Pythia and PISA simulation by Greg ver Steeg and Jennifer Hom Rejection: 3.7 Rejection: 36 Example: Single Muon Trigger Rejection
Muon Spectrometer Upgrade, July 14 th Example: N-EMC, kinematic coverage Pythia simulation by Rich Seto More than 100 events in bin width logx=0.1 More than 10 3 events in bin width logx=0.1 More than 10 4 events in bin width logx=0.1 More than 10 5 events in bin width logx=0.1
Muon Spectrometer Upgrade, July 14 th Channel Counts for one Muon Arm Pulse Height Timing Pattern
Muon Spectrometer Upgrade, July 14 th Plans: (1) Time Schedule : a) first 500 GeV run in 2005: (low luminosity) b) max. Luminosity in 2006 or 2007 (2) Menu of possible upgrades: a) new LL1/L1.5 electronics b) two tracking hodoscopes c) two pad chambers d) segmented nosecone calorimeter e) Cherenkov (3) Interested groups: o RBRC (Brendan, Abhay) o Kyoto (Naohito) o RIKEN (Atsushi) o Columbia (Chi) o UCR (Ken, Rich, Wei) o UIUC ( JCP, MGP) o Iowa (John Lajoie) o UNM (Doug) (4) Funding: a) RIKEN/RBRC b) Kyoto (requested R&D funding) c) UIUC ($200k) d) NSF MRI grant: Consortium of UIUC and UCR University : December NSF : December/January