A Revolution of Worship: Martin Luther and Protestantism What is the Protestant Reformation? What is a Protestant? Who was Martin Luther? Where did Luther have the greatest impact? Which aspects of the Catholic faith did Luther disagree with? What were Luther’s primary criticisms of the Catholic Church?
John Calvin and Calvinism Who was John Calvin? Where did Calvin make the greatest impact? What kind of government did Calvin create? Why?
Henry VIII and the Church of England Henry wanted his people to follow his orders, rather than following orders from whom? Why did Henry leave the Catholic Church and form his own church? Besides making himself the head of the Church of England, how else did Henry change religious life in England?
Potential Essay Question #1 In the case of Henry VIII and John Calvin, is it safe to say that their reform efforts were more about power than religious conflict? Why or why not? How do we know that this wasn’t the case for Martin Luther? Use specific evidence to support your argument.
Ulrich Zwingli Where did Ulrich Zwingli make the greatest impact? What effect did his reforms have on the practice of faith? Was Zwingli as “radical” a reformer as Luther, Calvin, and Henry VIII? Why or why not? Be specific in distinguishing him from the others.
The Catholic Reformation What was the purpose of the Catholic Reformation? Who met at the Council of Trent and what did they set out to achieve? List and describe three effects of the Council of Trent? What’s the purpose of the religious orders?
Potential Essay Question #2 How did the Renaissance values of humanism, individualism, and secularism lead to the religious reforms of the 1500s?