Joe Clancy Deployment Lifecycles and New Policy Features with the Azure Resource Manager ARC22 1
Next generation of management concepts in Azure Includes resource groups, resource templates, tags, RBAC, audit logs, policy, and more CloudFormation, OpsWorks, IAM, EC2 Tags and CloudTrail are competing AWS offerings
Topics for this session Resource groups Creating resources via templates Tags, audits & RBAC Policy
SQL - AWebsite Virtual Machines CRUD Website [SQL CONFIG] VM (2x) DEPENDS ON SQL SQLCONFIG
Parameters "parameters" : { "enableTCP": { "type" : "bool", "defaultValue" : "true" }, "rdcUserName": { "type" : "string", }, "rdcPassword": { "type" : "secureString", }, } Types of parameters: string secureString int bool object array
Variables "variables": { "templateAuthorName":"JoeCl", "testServerName":"MyServer", "indices": [ 1,2,3,4 ], "vmTemplate":{ "vmSize":"Large", "location": "West US" } Types of parameters: basic JSON types (string, int, bool) complex JSON types (e.g. objects) arrays of either of these
Resources { "name": " ", "type": " / ", "apiVersion": " ", "location": " ", "dependsOn": [ ], "tags": {}, "properties": { /* settings for the resource */ }, } Top level resource properties name (required) type (required) apiVersion (required) location (required) dependsOn (optional) tags (optional) properties (optional)
Resources example { "name": "[parameters('siteName')]", "type": "Microsoft.Web/Sites", "apiVersion": " ", "location": "[parameters('siteLocation')]", "tags": { "[variables('serverFarmLink')]": "ConnectionString" }, "dependsOn": [ "[concat('Microsoft.Web/serverFarms/', parameters('hostingPlanName'))]" ], "properties": { "name": "[parameters('siteName')]", "serverFarm": "[parameters('hostingPlanName')]", "computeMode": "[parameters('computeMode')]", "siteMode": "[parameters('siteMode')]" }, }
Outputs "outputs": { "publicIp": { "type" : "string", "value" : "[reference('nlb').ipAddresses[0]]" }, "loginUserName": { "type" : "string", "value" : "[parameters('username')]" } Types of outputs: basic JSON types (string, int, bool) complex JSON types (e.g. objects) arrays of either of these
Start Server Farm End Auto Scale Setting Web Site Alert Rule App Insights MS Deploy PKG After Server Farm Completes After Website Completes Once All Complete
Audited Management Logs
Example of a Role Definition
Example of a Role Assignment
subscription level – grants permissions to all resources in the sub resource group level – grants permissions to all resources in the resource group resource level – grants permissions to a specific resource
Role Based Access Control
Not"not": { } And "allOf": [ { }, { } ] Or "anyOf": [ { }, { } ]
equals"equals": " " like"like": " " contains"contains": " " in "in": [ " ", " " ] containsKey"containsKey": " "
Review – topics covered Resource groups Creating resources via templates Tags, audits & RBAC Policy
Deployment Lifecycles and New Policy Features with the Azure Resource Manager ARC 221
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