Today’s Agenda: 1.Defining a Common Vocab. 2.Carousal Activity: Educational Philosophies 3.Syllabus Components 4.Lab Safety and Lab Requirement 5.Communication with parents 6.Assignment 7.Classroom management hand-out and discussion (time permitting)
From last class… DDDDebrief syllabus – Q’s?? DDDDiscuss Anticipation Guide – common vocabulary
Carousal Using YOUR educational philosophy…go around the room and summarize the important aspects on the paper provided.
The Living Environment Objectives: Course Requirements: Miss Burgio—Room 217 High Achievement this year – always strive for academic excellence!! Strive for excellence in attitude and effort on assignments and participation Discover more about your body, organisms, and the environment and the scientific community
Materials Needed: Notes “Book” provided by Miss Burgio. These are your notes for the year. I have combined them into a notebook you should have these in a 1.5 inch-2 inch binder. If you loose it you will be required to take notes long hand the remainder of the year. Your participation grade will also reflect your negligence. Notes “Book” provided by Miss Burgio. These are your notes for the year. I have combined them into a notebook you should have these in a 1.5 inch-2 inch binder. If you loose it you will be required to take notes long hand the remainder of the year. Your participation grade will also reflect your negligence. Folder with Loose-leaf paper Highlighter Pen or pencil (pencil for lab) Note Cards (we will use over 1000 note cards…so stock up!!!) Text Book
Procedures: When you enter the classroom there will be a warm-up or “sponge activity” either handed to you before hand or on the board. You are to begin it immediately after the bell rings. DO NOT roam around the room touching things..there are chemicals and sharp objects/tools around the room..we want the classroom to be a safe environment for all students! Assignments are due as assigned daily. Most assignments will be given well in advance. Every unit has a terms and concepts sheet for that unit. The terms are to be put on note-cards and the concepts completed on loose- leaf. That will be the majority of your homework grade. If we do not correct the assignments in class, you can turn it in by the end of the day. The following day you get 50% credit and after that, it is a zero! If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to get all missed work. You will have no more than TWO (2) days after that day’s absence to hand it in for credit. Trips to the lav: No one goes to the lav for the first 10 minutes of class. After that, one person can go at a time with a maximum of 4 minutes. You must fill out YOUR agenda planner! Abuse of privileges will lead to loss of privileges. Tests will periodically be sent home for your parents/guardians to sign (2-3 bonus points will be added on to your test). Failure to get it signed may result in a phone call home.
Grading Policy: 45%Tests and Quizzes 30 %Homework and Class Activities 15%Lab Work 10%Participation Every 5 weeks a report will be generated on each student. Your grade will be determined as follows:
Respectful and Responsible.. Please fill out the sheet INDIVIDUALLY Let’s come up with some guidelines/behaviors/attributes for this class IndividuallyPairsGroups Also do this in lab
..Choices and Consequences 1. Warning 2. Teacher Detention 3. School Detention 4. Eviction and Deportment
Lab requirements: Students are required to complete a MINIMUM of 1200 minutes of successful lab time. All lab reports MUST be completed in full!! Students will NOT be able to sit for the exam if they do not meet this requirement.
Phone: ext 2317
Labs: scienceresmatlab.pdf scienceresmatlab.pdf scienceresmatlab.pdf
Lab Safety What’s important to put into contract? Let’s brainstorm! How will you teach it?
Syllabus Assignment/Lab Safety/Lab: Q’s???
Syllabus: Entrance Slip 1. Most proud of/unique: 2. Difficulty with: 3. One question you still have:
Classroom Management Discussion Stations 1 and 2: –Station 1 (Tossed Terms) –Station 2 (Webquest)
Creating a WIKI space