The Rise of African Civilizations Chapter 17 Intro – The Rise and Fall of African Civilizations.


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Presentation transcript:

The Rise of African Civilizations Chapter 17 Intro – The Rise and Fall of African Civilizations

Africa’s Geography – a vast and diverse continent – hot, steamy rain forests on either side of the equator – tropical grasslands, known as savannas, cover most of Africa north and south of the rain forests – deserts → Sahara in the north and the Kalahari and the Namib in the southwest – coastal areas in the north and the south have a Mediterranean climate (mild and good for growing crops)

Africa’s Geography –

The African Plateau – page 446 Much of Africa rests on a plateau (a high area of flat land). Great Rift Valley

West African Empires – page 447 Berbers – camels – “the ships of the desert” – trade caravans cloth salt – trade led to city growth, which led to empire building

Rise of Ghana Ghana – c. A.D. 400s – “crossroads of trade” – grew wealthy from the salt and gold trade – traders paid taxes as they passed through – military might (iron weapons, manpower) – control of the goods people wanted

Rise of Mali – Ghana declined in the 1200s due to warfare and poor harvests. Mali – griots – African storytellers – Sundiata Keita – warrior king who took control of Ghana in 1240

Rise of the Songhai Mali declined after the death of Mansa Musa. Songhai – largest empire in West Africa in the 1500s – Sunni Ali – stormed Timbuktu and threw out the Berbers – decline came through technology

Kingdoms of the Rain Forest Benin – empire in the rain forest – kingdoms were shielded by the rain forests – food surpluses allowed for artisans

East Africa Axum – powerful Ethiopian city-state which owed its power to its location on the Red Sea. – dhow – sailboat with a triangular sail invented by Muslims other important cities: Mogadishu, Kilwa, Mombasa, Zanzibar Great Zimbabwe – founded around A.D. 700 by the Shona people

Section 1 Questions What are the major bodies of water near Africa How did geography affect the cultures of the sub- Saharan area?

Africa’s Government and Religion

Objectives After this lesson, students will be able to explain how the growth of empires led to centralized governments led by kings. discuss how traditional religions and Islam shaped African cultures.

Government and Society ruler and subject – West African governments utilized central governments ruled by kings. – both sides benefited

Ghana’s Government kings relied on council of ministers lesser kings ruled provinces chieftains oversaw their clan – a group of people descended from the same ancestor tight grip on power

Mali’s Government similar to Ghana, but on larger scale – Sundiata put generals in charge of provinces. accepted because they were often from the province they ruled protected people from invaders – Mansa Musa rewarded citizens with gold, land, and horses. Military heroes were awarded the “National Honor of the Trousers.” Songhai’s government was similar.

Traditional African Religions traditional religions varied most believed in a supreme being some believed in a hierarchy of gods some believed that ancestors stayed with the community Christianity is the most widely practiced religion in Africa today. North Africa is predominantly Muslim.

Islam in Africa Mali and Mansa Musa – Mansa Musa allowed different religions, but worked to strengthen Islam. building initiativies – A.D – Mansa Musa’s hajj journey (huge production)

Songhai and Askia Muhammad Sunni Ali – poser Muslim Muhammad Ture takes control Askia Muhammad close support for Islam Islam in East Africa – Swahili – language that means “people of the coast”

Grade 9 is awesome!!!

African Society and Culture

Objectives After this lesson, students will be able to: – describe how the Bantu migrations spread common ideas to much of Africa. – discuss how the African slave trade disrupted African society and carried African peoples and cultures around the world.

Life in Medieval Africa Bantu – “the people” – migration helped spread culture across medieval Africa – spread pottery making and mining skills – responsible for common ideas and traditions

Importance of Families family was the basis of African society – extended families – families made up of several generations – matrilineal – traced family descent through mothers – children extremely important (ancestors)

Education and Women Children were educated by their family and other villagers. oral histories – stories passed down from generation to generation (griots) Queen Nzinga – battled the Portuguese slave trade

Slavery slavery within Africa the European slave trade – 1440s – The European slave trade was started by Portugal. – African slaves harvested sugarcane originally.

African Culture “a nation of dancers, musicians, and poets” – African art religious meaning and story telling cave paintings were the earliest art forms woodcarving and weaving also important – music and dance celebrated important events enslaved Africans used music to remind them of their homeland – storytelling tradition of the griots