Fat Proton Water Proton
MRISC Organizational Chart Medical Center Research and Graduate Studies Dr. Delwood Collins College of Medicine Dr. Jay Perman Director Dr. Charlie Smith Administrative Staff Officer Nancy Bailey MR Physicist David Powell, Ph.D. Radiology Technologist Agnes Bognar MR Postdoc Liang Xuan, Ph.D. Faculty Support (Primary in Academic Depts) Anders Andersen, Ph.D. Anatomy & Neurobiology Peter Hardy, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering MRISC Users
MRISC Staff and Faculty Dave Powell Peter Hardy Agnes Bognar Peter Hardy Charlie Smith Nancy Bailey
Angry faces Happy faces (Blonder fMRI) N-back memory (Kelly fMRI) Confrontation naming (Smith fMRI) fl3d TSE hyperecho (Bada newborn on 3T Trio) A taste: Images from research collaborations Segmentation + perfusion (Pettigrew) Naming fMRI (RSNA 1995) MR elastography (Hardy) Finger Tapping (Young fMRI pre-op on 3T Trio) Fiber Tracking Bioabsorbable Screw (Johnson/Holtzhauer) Spectroscopy – tumor evaluation
N = 6,000 windings 27km length B = I * N 1 Tesla Magnet I = 300 Amps Suffocate or Frostbite cryogens B 1) Align protons Super conductor Beware of Metal projectile
SuperConducting Wires & Liquid Helium 1) Align protons Beware of Metal projectile
Vision 250 Amps 600 Volts 25 mT/m On even when not scanning (shimming) Electrocution (touch equipment) Conduction burns (wearing necklace) Gradient Coil 2) Spatial location of protons Beware of Metal projectile
Electrocution (touch equipment) Conduction Burns (wearing necklace) SAR Specific absorption rate (heating patient) 3) Excite and Listen to protons Head Coil Beware of Metal projectile
Following slides Not used
Simple Body Coil After Protons are excited (pretend no T2)
Electrocution (touch equipment) Conduction Burns (wearing necklace) 2) Spatial location of protons Metal projectile Body Coil