Matter Effects on Neutrino Oscillations By G.-L. Lin NCTU Nov. 20, 04 AS
Outline Matter effects and Solar Neutrinos The world with 13 and matter enhancement to 13 Very Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments and the Determination of 13 and 23 —work in progress with Y. Umeda
The Neutrino Mixing Matrix The world without 13 and CHOOZ bound sin 2 2 13 < 0.1
Neutrino-electron coherent scattering
Solar Neutrino Oscillations and Matter Enhancement Diagonalization: 12 12 m
Wolfenstein, 1978 Mikheyev and Smirnov, 1986 Varying electron density in the Sun Adiabaticity
Combine Solar Neutrino and KamLAND experiments: Y.-F. Wang in ICHEP04
The World with 13 new mixing! The e oscillation length: For an experiment with the terrestrial beam E a few GeV, one drops
does not evolve, while e + induced by 13 and A e. Diagonalization: 13 13 m
Earth mantle: =5 g/cm 3, E res 6.4 GeV Earth core: =12 g/cm 3, E res 2.7 GeV Barger et al., 99 Banuls, Barenboim, Bernabeu, 01
Stacey, Physics of the Earth, 77 Freund and Ohlsson 99 m =5 g/cm 3 c =12 g/cm 3
Very Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments The solution the equation in the constant-density approximation: In progress with Y. Umeda Still treat =0
Use actual Earth density profile for calculation
How long is the “very long” baseline? Banuls, Barenboim, Bernabeu, 01 Optimized for P( e ) 1-P( ) also peaks at E E res Gandhi et al., hep-ph/
Simultaneous measurements of P( e ) and P( ): sensitive to 13 and 23. Are they really Independent? P( e ) studied for L=9300 km— Fermilab to Kamioka. F. DeJongh, hep-ex/ Consider L=9300 km case for P( e ) P e and P( ) P
In progress with Y. Umeda
< 0.03 >0.03 w.r.t resonant energy
Issues to be considered: The effect of CPV phase ( 10%, Gandhi et al., hep-ph/ ) Convoluting with the spectrum from the accelerator
. DeJongh, hep-ex/ CC events before and after oscillations Sharp cutoff to avoid background
From the mixing matrix, one derives
Studying GeV neutrinos on Earth