Congress in Action Chapter 12
Congress Convenes January 3 rd of every odd-numbered year Opening Day in House vs. Opening Day in Senate?
Opening Day in House 435 Representatives-elect Clerk from preceding term chairs the first day’s session Clerk calls to order and takes roll Members then choose a Speaker Speaker is sworn in by Dean Speaker then swears in rest of the House as a group Dean of the House John Conyers (D) – Wash. D.C.
House House elects the clerk, sergeant at arms, chief administrative officer and chaplain NONE of these are actual members of the House Then, the House adopts the rules – House Rules and Manual – Jefferson Manual – Constitution 20 permanent committees are appointed
State of the Union – A II, S 3 Once a year A few weeks after Congress convenes Congress, Cabinet, Supreme Court, foreign diplomatic corps and other dignitaries President lays out his policies for the nation
Presiding Officers Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R- WI) Vice President Joe Biden
Speaker of the House – A I, S 2 No member may speak unless recognized by Speaker In charge of enforcing the rules Picks 9 of 13 members of Rules Committee Appoints all members on select and conference committees Decides which committees will consider legislation Determines when a bill reaches the floor May speak on floor and vote, but only votes in very important decisions
President of the Senate Power to recognize members Put questions to vote May NOT take floor to speak Votes only in case of a tie Influence varies depending on VP’s relationships President pro tempore Orrin Hatch (R – Utah)
Party Officers Party caucus (conference) – Meeting before Congress convenes to discuss floor leadership and committee membership Floor leaders – Majority and minority leaders – Party whips – assistant leaders
Party Leaders and Whips (R) Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, CA Majority Whip Steve Scalise, LA Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, KY Majority Whip John Cornyn, TX House Senate
Party Leaders and Whips (D) Minority Leader Harry Reid, NV Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, CA Minority Whip Dick Durbin, IL Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, MD HouseSenate
Committee Chairmen Decide when to meet Which bills will be taken up Whether they will hold public hearings Witnesses to be called Usually manages debate when bill comes to floor
Seniority Rule Customary Head of each committee is almost always longest serving majority party member from that committee Positives vs. Negatives