How safe are our journeys to school?
In the next 2 lessons, you will learn: To present evidence (1c) To analyse and evaluate evidence and draw and justify conclusions (1d) To communicate in ways appropriate to the task and audience (1f) To use maps and plans at a range of scales (2c) To select and use primary and secondary sources of evidence (2d) To draw maps and plans at a range of scales (2e) To communicate in different ways, including using ICT (2f) To describe the physical and human features and patterns of the local area relating to transport networks (3c & 4a)
By the end of the 2 lessons, you should be able to: Present information associated with places on maps appropriately to describe hazards and features of the local transport network as it relates to journeys to school.
How does the local transport network affect road safety? What potential hazards can you see in the picture? picture In the groups you worked in last lesson outside, you need to produce a map that shows the potential hazards (a Word example; a Powerpoint example) of the local transport network.WordPowerpoint
Plenary Where is there a hazard? Why is it a hazard? What could be done to reduce the hazard?