10 Tips to Be Successful in Social Media Today Patrick Dean Hodgson Social Media Manager (310)
Biography Seven-Year Marketing Vet Helped Launch Social Buzz Google Analytics & AdWords Certified MBA from Pepperdine
Digital is Top Purchase Influencer
Option 1
Option 2
Tip 1: Define Goals for Your Posts Examples: Brand Awareness Community Support Engagement Talent Acquisition
Tip 2: Analyze Your Insights Data
Accommodate the Needs of Your Audience
Tip 3: Emphasize Club Life with Video
Tip 4: Target Your Posts
Tip 5: Engage with Your Fans
Tip 6: Check Your Notifications
Tip 7: Find & Like New Businesses Facebook is also a search engine Examine competitor pages Consider strategic partnerships
Tip 8: Use Sign with Users
Tip 9: Promote Your Cover Page Upcoming Events Renovations Anniversaries Milestones Enhance with Call-to- Action Button
Tip 10: Cross-Promote on Other Channels
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