Milford EVSD Milford School District Testing Plan for
Milford EVSD Elementary Testing Plan Kindergarten Readiness Assessment AimsWeb, K-2 MAP K-3, reading and math, special education, grades 4-6 Co-Gat, grades 2 and 4 Iowa, reading and math, grade 4 OAA reading, grade 3 PARCC PBA and EOY, English LA and math, grades 3-6 ODE PBA and EOY, science, grade 5 ODE PBA and EOY, social studies, grades 4 and 6 Pre/Post tests for teacher evaluation data, science and social studies, grades 3-6 Pre/Post tests for teacher evaluation data, physical education, art, music, title, skills, special education, and gifted, grades K-6
Milford EVSD Junior High Testing Plan MAP, special education, grades 7 and 8 PARCC PBA and EOY, English LA and math, grades 7 and 8 ODE PBA and EOY, science, grade 8 Pre/Post tests for teacher evaluation data, science and social studies, grades 7 and 8 Pre/Post tests for teacher evaluation data, physical education, art, music, electives Semester exams for high school courses
Milford EVSD High School Testing Plan MAP, special education, grades 9-12 PARCC PBA and EOY, English LA, grades 9 and 10* PARCC PBA and EOY, Math I and Math II* ODE PBA and EOY, physical science* ODE PBA and EOY, U.S. History and government OGT (math, science, social studies, reading, writing), grade 10 Aspire (replacing ACT Explore), grade 9 ACT, grade 11 Pre/Post tests for teacher evaluation data, all courses without state assessments (for example, chemistry, English 11, World Languages, electives) Semester exams for courses without EOY tests Advanced Placement exams