Demystifying CSE: Presenters: Janet Nottley, Napa County Department of Child Support Services, Eric Millard, Rich Corey,
Demystifying CSE: Agenda CSE Automated Processing Case Management Lifecycle and Automated Processing
CSE Automated Processing System supports concurrent batch and online processing. Both are operational 24X7 except during scheduled outages. System averages up to 3.4M online transactions daily. Average response time is.3 to.4 seconds (measured in data center). System averages 4M batch transactions per 24 hour batch cycle with peak processing at 20M. System DB size is 3.3TB and is composed of 791 Tables with a total of 4.5B rows System supports child support case load of 3.1M cases and 8.3M participants. System processes an average of 1.1M collections per month. The average monthly total in US Dollars is $208.5M. To date, system has processed a total of $8.5B in child support collections since System consists of 750 online pages, 3462 batch jobs, 64 inbound interfaces, and 46 outbound interfaces.
Case Management Lifecycle and Automated Processing
Case Initiation and Update (CIU)
Case Initiation System function for Case opening packets Process Pending Generation Documents
CIU – FCR Federal Case Registry (FCR) –CSE sends new case information and case and participant update information to the FCR nightly. –Registering case and participant data with the FCR allows CSE to request various locate and enforcement activities available at the federal level. –“Family Violence” status is also sent to the FCR, to prevent nationwide distribution of data about more sensitive cases.
CIU – IV-A IV-A Interface –CSE processes individual files sent from each county nightly, seven days a week from 7pm to about 7am. –Files are sent from the each of the five CA IV-A and/or IV-E Consortia systems. –The files are in a standard format, and consist of “member records” and “assistance” records. –CSE evaluates the records for completeness, then processes them into UAP updates, participant updates, good cause updates and IV-A Service Requests (referrals). –CSE sends updated participant information to the IV-A systems, include demographic information and CP Cooperation status.
CIU – IV-A LEADER LA-IVE CalWIN C-IV ISAWS CSE Member Records Assistance Records Invalid Member Records CSE determines the Member Record to be Invalid (e.g. Record Format Error, Invalid Good Cause Error, Missing Aid Code Error, etc..) Match No Match Step 2 Referral Member Record Step 1 Electronic file is transmitted from SAWS to CSE. Files contain Assistance Records and Member Records. Valid Member Records are first processed individually (Step 1). Subsequently, all valid member records with the same Public Assistance Serial Number are processed together as a Referral (Step 2). Referral De mo- gra phi c Up dat es De mo- gra phi c Up dat es Aid Hist ory Up dat es Aid Hist ory Up dat es Go od Cau se Up dat es Go od Cau se Up dat es Go od Cau se Up dat es Go od Cau se Up dat es Service Request Escalatio n Service Request Escalatio n Memb er Recor d Valida tion Memb er Recor d Valida tion Memb er Match ing Memb er Match ing Financial Processin g Financial Processin g
CIU – CSENet Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet) –CSENet automates the communicate of UIFSA Transmittal information between automated statewide systems through the US. –CSE processes inbound CSENet transactions nightly, Monday through Friday, which includes updates on existing cases and participants, requests to perform certain actions as well as new interstate case referrals. –CSE processes new interstate case referrals through the CCR prior to assigning them to the appropriate county. –Various activities that occur throughout the day within CSE to Interstate cases are communicated to the other jurisdictions automatically via CSENet nightly, Monday through Friday.
CIU – Case Assignment Case Assignment –CSE automatically assigns cases to case workers or teams based on rules that are configurable at the LCSA, Office, Team and Worker levels. –Certain things that may occur throughout the day can cause a case’s assignment to be re-evaluated and reassigned instantly. –Cases can be “locked down” and prevented from reassigning automatically. –Supervisors can select to revaluate entire caseloads at the worker, team, office or county levels. This process does NOT happen real-time, but instead during the batch window that night.
Locate Locate Starts Once Case Is Created
Establishment Automated Establishment starts once a case is open and address information is received for the NCP
Establishment Automated Summons and Complaint Processing –Assess for Automatic Generation of S&C Runs 5 nights a week starting at 6:00 pm with the completion of the Automated Default Job –Process all eligible cases each night generating the initial S&C, Re-seek S&C, Supplemental S&C –Future S&C task for e-filing –Produces Summons and Complaint form sets and tasks for generation of the Summons and Complaint –All form sets are generated through local batch printing and E-filing –Automated Summons and Complaints are viewed through the Legal Activities List and Legal Action Detail Pages.
Establishment Automated Default Processing –Assess and Perform Default Process Runs 5 nights a week starting at 5:00 pm –Process all eligible cases each night –Produces Default form sets –All form sets are generated through local batch printing –Automated Defaults are viewed through the Legal Activities List, Legal Action Detail, and Document Image Detail Pages.
Establishment E-Filing –Process and Send Forms for E-Filing runs 5 nights a week starting at Various times –E-filing in CSE for Orange, Riverside, San Joaquin, San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino –Process all eligible legal activities produced by through the online application and batch processing for e-filing. Supports the following form sets: ABSTRACT OF SUPPORT JUDGMENT AMENDED PROPOSED JUDGMENT (And more than 5 children) AMENDED SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT (And more than 5 children) DEFAULT JUDGMENT REGARDING PARENTAL OBLIGATION (An More than 5 children) PROOF OF PERSONAL SERVICE PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT (And more than 5 children) SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT (And more than 5 children)
Establishment E-Filing (Cont.) –Embedded PDF and data included in files sent to the courts –Receive Forms From E-Filing process Court data processes updated response returned by the court (updated PDF and data) –Automated E-Filing data is viewed through the Legal Activities List, Legal Action Detail, and Document Image Detail Pages.
Establishment Pre-Service –Once the S&C is filed pre-Service is initiated E-Filing S&C’s Central Scan S&C’s Manual Uploaded S&C Paper Generated S&C’s –CSE Merges Imaged S&C with the CP Notice Regarding Service of Complaint and the Notice and Acknowledgement Service forms to be sent to the NCP
Establishment Automatic Service –Assess and Generate For Automatic Personal Service runs daily at 6:00 pm –Print Service Instruction to Local Batch for all counties not eligible for electronic process server –Service Follow up Follow Up On Service Instruction run on business days at 8:00 am notifying the county staff to follow up on service Process Re-initiate Personal Service (Daily)
Establishment Electronic Service –Process and Send Forms For E-delivery executes 3 times a day –Electronic Service currently performed for Contra Costa, Fresno, Humboldt, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Orange, Placer, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Joaquin –Service of process documents are zipped up and placed on a file server directory set up specifically for the electronic process server. –There is not an electronic process server response –Electronic process server configured through system control data and require a release of the CSE application.
Establishment Order Entry –Orders entered through the online application and the processing of e-filing responses. –Automatic creation of charging instruction
Establishment Other Automated Establishment Functionality –Daily Resume or Terminate Suspended R&A based on NCP Locate Assess and Link Paternity Declarations in CSE Receive new and updated Paternity Declarations from DCSS POP Database Assess for Automatic Review And Adjustment Initiation Mandatory 3 Year TANF review (Not Scheduled to Run) Assess for Automatic Review And Adjustment (Not Scheduled to Run) Generate R&A 3-Year Notice (Throttle to 1500 LUW) Follow Up On Review And Adjustment Pending Initiation Follow Up On 5-Year S&C Follow Up On 3-Year S&C Generate Support Order No Health Insurance Forms
Enforcement Automated enforcement starts once the order is established and the accounts are set up.
Enforcement Automated Wage and Health Assignment –Runs 7 nights a week starting at 7:00 pm –Process the previous days data additions (New Employers, New Charging Instruction, Updated Accounts, Updated Orders, etc.) –Produces Wage and Health assignment form sets –All form sets generated are displayed on the Wage Assignment Detail, Health Assignment Detail, Case Enforcement Overview, and the Combined Log –Creates Electronic DFAS files DFAS Processes Nightly Employer must be marked for DFAS and have a DFAS FIEN All DFAS processing through IWO Portal DFAS Transactions are displayed in the combined log and on the Wage Assignment Detail page
Enforcement Automated Wage and Health Assignment (Continue) –Terminate Wage and Health Assignment (Daily) Jobs Running (ESWAG CSENet transactions since last run and court ordered stay on wage assignment) Jobs Held by DCSS and county request (Suppression, GSMAD CSENet, Order Health Terminated, All cases Closed, Good Cause Claimed or Granted, Employment set to Mis-ID or Error, Court order stay on health assignment –Follow up on Wage and Health Assignment Generate Employer Delinquency Notification and second ONTW (Daily) Generate Employer Warning Letter and second NMSN Follow up task on Wage and Health
Enforcement Automated Lien –Runs 7 nights a week starting at 6:00 pm –Process the previous days data additions (New/Updated Addresses, New Orders, Good Cause Denied, Suppression Removed, SSN Received, Participant Merge) –Produces Notice of Support Judgment form sets –Creates Electronic Recording Files for Orange and LA counties E-Recording Processes Nightly Participant Address must be in Orange or LA county All responses received the next day
Enforcement Automated Credit Reporting –Credit Reporting Advance Notice runs daily –Credit reporting submission runs on the second Saturday of each month, but does not need to be sent to the credit agencies until the end of the month –Full fill processing, all NCP’s that meet the criteria are processed each month –Credit file places on common location and the credit agencies pick up and process the file. –There is not a response from the credit reporting agencies to CSE based on the submission –All transaction can be viewed in the combined log, Case Enforcement Overview, and the Credit Reporting Detail
Enforcement Automated License Suspension –Automated License Suspension runs on the second Saturday of each month –Two files are produced, one for the DMV and one for the other license agencies –The agencies determine when and how the file is processed –Full fill processing, all NCP’s that meet the criteria are processed each month –Activity is displayed on the License Suspension Detail Page and in the Combined Log
Enforcement Automated License Revocation –Automated License revocation runs weekly on Saturdays –Two files are produced, one for the DMV and one for the other license agencies –The agencies determine when and how the file is processed –Full fill processing, all NCP’s that meet the criteria are processed each month –Activity is displayed on the License Suspension Detail Page and in the Combined Log
Enforcement OCSE, FTB, and EDD Intercept Functionality –Batch jobs process Friday night as soon as collection processing completes –Intercept directly with the agencies –All processing is now transaction based. As a result users may not see weekly transactions. –Responses are processes approximately one week after the submission –OCSE and EDD reconciliation run on demand –FTB Annual Certification run on demand –All submission data can be view in the Combined Log, the Federal Offset Program Intercept Detail, State Tax and Lottery Intercept Detail, Unemployment/Disability Insurance Intercept Detail, and the Participant Enforcement Overview
Enforcement FIDM Functionality –FIDM monthly requesting Assets for participants –FIDM quarterly (Sent to Financial Institutions) –Responses Received Monthly Levy Functionality –Batch job processes daily based on existing assets in CSE. –Daily volume capped at the job level and the Financial Institution level. –Produces form sets to the financial institutions –All levy generation can be view in the Participant Enforcement Overview and Levy Detail Page
Enforcement Other Automated Enforcement Functionality –Daily Child Support Warning Notice Generate CP Notification for Lapse in Health Coverage Remove Employer Specification for Wage Assignment Send Health Insurance File(6110) Job Generate Health Insurance Letter to NCP Follow Up on Seek Work Order –Weekly Process DIR matches for Submission to CSE (Friday Afternoons) –Monthly Determine Delinquency for Non Compliant (First weekend of the month) Annual Follow up on Delinquency (Second Weekend) Process Health Insurance Carrier Update From DHS Job (First Weekend of the month)
Financial Management
Collections & Disbursements
Daily Collections –Collection Processing (3PM) –Allocation & Distribution (6PM)
Collections & Disbursements Suspended Collections –CSE Suspense Processing (2PM M- F) –SDU Suspense Update (after nightly collections processing) –CSE Suspense to SDU (after nightly collections processing and SDU Suspense Update)
Collections & Disbursements Nightly Disbursements (after nightly collections and adjustments processing) –Support, Excess, Disregard, and refunds Satisfy Receivables (if eligible) Check payables for suspense conditions Create Disbursement Record
Collections & Disbursements Disbursement Updates –Reject (7AM) –Status Updates – Paid, Void, Stale Date (11AM) –Delete (3PM) –Origination (11PM)
Asynchronous Adjustments Processing (approximately every 15 minutes between 6AM and 6PM, one final round after completion of nightly collections processing) –Physical Collection Adjustments –Releasing a Collection from Suspense (standard and non-standard) –Adjustment a previously allocated collection (both from V2 and V1) –Performing a Legacy Transitional Adjustment –Approving or Partially Approving Non-SDU payments –Performing NSF on a collection IRS Negative Adjustments (after Collections processing) Unfunded Collections (after Collections processing)
Obligation Management
Balance Regeneration (approximately every 15 minutes between 6AM and 6PM, one final round after completion of nightly collections processing) –Worker Initiated –System Initiated Support Order Creation Aid Paid Updates Assistance Status Changes Case Closure (DCR CSE )
Obligation Management Charge Obligations & Interest (12AM on the 1 st of the month) –Apply Futures –Charge Interest –Accrue Arrears –Charge Current –Apply Futures (again) –Manage Assistance Status Changes
Obligation Management Determine Delinquency (2 nd Saturday of month) Billing (11AM daily) –Bulk of volume occurs during first few days of month Barnes (2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th Saturdays of month)
CIU – Case Closure Case Closure –CSE evaluates cases on a nightly basis against California’s “Case Closure” criteria. –If a case meets the criteria for closure, CSE will ( in most situations ) place the case into “Pending Closure” and task the assigned caseworker to review. –If, after 60 days, the case still meets the criteria for the SAME closure reason, CSE will automatically close the case. –If the case does not meet the SAME reason, CSE will remove the case from pending closure and evaluate the case for other closure reasons. –Some reasons, such as “Non Aided CP Requests Closure” and “Good Cause Granted” do not require a 60-day pending period, and CSE will close these cases instantly.