Section I Responsibility to Self Click Once
What exactly do the words of our open motto, the cause is hidden, the results well known, really mean? It is not very complicated. Basically, the promise of our motto is that in furtherance of the purposes of our Fraternity (the results); the reasons (the cause) for those results remain hidden and deeply imbedded in our Ritual and in the character of our individual Brothers. Our Ritual is basically a system of values... Shared by all Alpha Sigs across the years and across the miles. Our Ritual is a road map to help a person along his journey of life and to assist him in his communion with his fellow travelers. It is a system of values whose purpose is not to make you a better fraternity person, but rather a better human being... a Better Man! Causa Latet Vis Est Motissima Brotherhood is the development of lifelong human relationships based on respect, mutual love, and support _________________________ _________ Click Once ___________________ ___________________________________________________ ______________________ Click Once ________________________ ________________________ ________________________
_____________________________ But, what does a better man really look like and how does Alpha Sigma Phi help build him? Since its inception in 1845, Alpha Sigma Phi has been focused on assisting each Brother to acquire those attributes of character, of a gentleman, that will follow him for the remainder of a productive and meaningful life. In other words, the challenge for our Fraternity is that all Brothers will endeavor to aid each other toward first, internalizing, and then, living, mankind’s most noble principles. Specifically, in achieving its’ well-known results, Alpha Sigma Phi is committed to accomplishing the objectives contained in Our Reason for Being. If the above represents our specific objectives, the larger question remains, how do we go about doing it? How do we, in fact, better the man? The answer to that important question comes directly from our Mission: To Create and Perpetuate Brotherhood __________________ Click Once _____________________ ____