Forms 5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports.
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in business.Slide 2 Forms Forms control and simplify data input by presenting the information in a user-friendly format. They provide drop-down menus, instructions, navigational controls, and graphics.
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in business.Slide 3 Advantages of Forms Well developed forms expedite the search and data entry processes. Well designed forms are easy to read and understand. Forms allow information to be censored. –For example, a hotel reservation form posted on the web may allow users to select a type of room and the arrival and departure dates, but prevent or hide users from viewing the details of the hotel rates.
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in business.Slide 4 Common Elements of Forms Common Elements of Forms Graphic elements, such as lines and shapes Data displayed on forms is derived from the fields in the underlying table or query or added by a user Calculations are performed by properties that are set by a user within the form’s design Descriptive text Subforms are forms that are embedded in and connected to a main form through a common field.
Queries Objective 5.02 Understand queries, forms, and reports used in business.
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in business.Slide 6 Database Objects Objective 5.01 discussed and explained how tables are the building blocks for all databases. This objective will use tables to create three types of database objects: –Queries –Forms –Reports
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in business.Slide 7Query A query takes a database filter to the next level It is created by placing filters and selecting multiple criteria (comparison operators) to extract information from one or more tables The resulting data becomes an object and can be saved, recalled, and used to perform other operations
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in business.Slide 8 Advantages of a Query A query can be saved and used to perform other operations. One table can be associated with multiple queries. A query can perform specialized operations, such as performing calculations on field values, and place the results in a new column of a datasheet.
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in business.Slide 9 The Difference Between Queries and Filters A filter is a one-time deal. It allows application of a set of selection criteria and/or sorting instructions to the records in a table. It is a quick and temporary tool that is created for one-time use in the context of a particular table. A query is reusable. It allows the selection criteria and/or sorting instructions to be saved and reused.
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in business.Slide 10 Comparison Operators for Queries and Filters Less Than < Greater Than > Equal To = Less Than or Equal To <= Greater Than or Equal To >= Not Equal To <>
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in business.Slide 11 Conditional Operators for Queries and Filters The AND condition reduces the number of records because both conditions must be met. The OR condition increases the number of records because records are selected if either condition is met.
Reports 5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports used in business.
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports.Slide 13 Reports A report object is used to organize, summarize, and print some or all of the data from one or more database tables or queries. Reports are used to present data in an attractive format with user selected fonts, colors, shading, borders, graphics, and other enhancements. The report object can be used to present yearly sales reports, catalog inventory, prepare labels, or produce invoices and receipts.
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports.Slide 14 Advantages of Reports Reports can group data from multiple tables, use the data in calculations, and add headings and other format enhancements to clarify database information. –Alphabetical, such as an index. –Category, such as music genre. –Sales by region, sales associate, or sales quarter. Once created, a report object can be saved and updated. Reports can be printed in landscape or portrait orientation.
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports.Slide 15 Report Elements Lines and borders – used for decoration. Controls –text boxes for displaying numbers, names, or labels. Labels – used to display descriptive text. Text boxes – used to display data and may contain expressions for data calculation. Calculated column/field – created when a formula is used. –One time or running sum –Sum of quantities ordered
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports.Slide 16 Report Elements (continued) Header Section Report header appears once at the beginning of the report. Items such as company name, address, and logo belong in this section. Page header appears on every page of the report. Contents such as field names belong in this section. Field Names can be changed and can be centered. Detail section – contains most of the report details. Footer Section Report footer appears once, at the end of a report. Page footer appears on every page. This section would be appropriate for a page number.
5.02 Understand database queries, forms, and reports.Slide 17 Review of Database Objects Tables – used to setup database and input information. Can alter the data in a database. Queries – used to search and display certain pieces of information. Forms – used for easier input. Can alter the data in the database. Reports – used to organize and present data. It is presented in a easier format. All or certain fields may be displayed. Cannot alter the data in the database.