Connecting What We Read to What We Want to Write Kelli Coons Bryson Elementary School
Unit of study that allows students the opportunity to deeply explore an author’s life and body of work. Students will be able to critically evaluate author’s themes, characters, and writing style. Students can make connections between the author’s life and their work. Students can make personal connections between their own experiences and those of the author and their characters
In addition to reading many texts by the author it is essential to include: Discussion Research Culminating Activity
Encourage reading fluency Engage critical thinking skills Fine-tune writing skills Encourage the close bond with books Create a reading community Encourage wide-reading to diversify student choice Jumpstart reading informational text Cross curricular connections
Determine the purpose and objectives for the author study Selecting An Author Reader’s Response Research the author/illustrator Culminating Activity
Three main types of author studies Author’s World–connections between author’s life and work. Critical Response- focuses on author’s themes, characters, and writing solely.(not author’s life) Personal Response- focuses on reader’s own response to the books of the chosen author and their own personal reflection/connection. Incorporate all in a multilevel response
Will the whole class be studying the same author? Do students get to choose who they study or will you be choosing who is studied? Engagement vs. familiarity for teachers Text sets? Book Baskets? Classroom Library?
Who do your students want to read? Kindergarten- Eric Carle 1 st & 2 nd - Jan Brett 3 rd, 4 th, & 5 th – Patricia Polacco Create an Author Study center to generate interest.
Prior to the author study, introduce basic literary elements. Identify the author’s style and craft. Point out clues about how the author’s life impacts their writing. Most importantly, encourage the students to respond to their reading as a way to track how they are feeling about what they read. *Reader’s Response Journal Use graphic organizers, lists, illustrations
Teach research skills and media literacy Biography Autobiography Websites Award Encyclopedias Newspaper/Magazine Articles Audio/Video Clips Audio/Video Clips Be on the lookout for connections between their lives and events in their books.
Author Display Create a podcast or video review of the author’s work Develop an Author Timeline Create Social Media for Author Host a book bash New Student in Class Write a book in the Author’s Style Author Fair
Encourage students to use the author’s style to inspire their own work. Use the author’s work as mentor texts for student writing. If the work is more complex have them concentrate on a certain aspect of their writing they would like to emulate.
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