1 Pertemuan 17 Understanding Internet Marketing Planning Matakuliah: J0324/Sistem e-Bisnis Tahun: 2005 Versi: 02/02
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : menunjukkan strategi perencanaan pemasaran di Internet
3 Outline Materi Central Role of Marketing Planning Competitive Advantage and The Internet The Internet Affect Planning Internet Business Models
4 Overview Shift in focus –From environment and perspectives –To marketing action in the environment First : –Role of strategy –Role of the Internet Second : –Implications of the Internet –More student involvement…
5 Importance of Strategy To know where you’re going –Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here? asked Alice. –That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, said the Cat. –I don’t much care where, said Alice. –Then it doesn’t matter which way you go, said the Cat. To not get there alone –With others in the organization –(Assume same objectives...)
6 Types of Planning Strategic planning –Firm-level thinking –Overarching goal of long-run survival –Relationship of firm to environment Strategic marketing (==> strategic market plan) –Product/market scope of a business –Where, when and how to compete Marketing management (==> marketing plan)
7 A Graphical Interpretation… Strategic Planning Strategic Marketing Manage- ment
8 Central Role of Marketing Planning Two key objectives –Defining opportunities viz., “What should we do?” –Leveraging resources viz, “How should we do it?” Goal of competitive advantage –Profitable, Unique, Sustainable
9 Competitive Advantage and the Internet Defining opportunities (Planning) –Consumers –Competition –Conditions (environment, company) Leveraging resources (Implementation) –Content –Channel –Communication
10 The Internet Affects Planning Motivation for planning Processes for planning Outcomes of planning –Objectives –Strategy structure
11 The Internet Affects Implementation Many strategic objectives Easier to classify business models –Product focus Brand image Product enhancement –Revenue focus Sales increase Other revenue…
12 Internet Business Models I Product focus –Image (brand building) –Incentive (cost benefits) –Improvement (neat extras)
13 Internet Business Models II Revenue focus –Traditional (consumer pays) Sales (marketer and consumer) Usage-based fees Content “rental” (subscription fees)
14 –Less traditional (marketer pays) ABC’s (Alliances, banners, content sponsorship) Commissions and click-through’s
15 Back to the Future Defining opportunities –Marketing research (next class) Understanding consumers Understanding competitors Understanding conditions (internal and external)
16 Leveraging resources: strategic implementation –Marketing management with a twist –New resources: content, channel, communication
17 Source : Coupey, Eloise (2001). Marketing and The Internet. Conceptual Foundations. Prentice Hall. PPT for Chapter : 8