Biotechnology is many different things but in a brief explanation it is the use of any organism or product to improve the product or organism and gain scientific knowledge about the new product or organism.
Farmers are having crops modified to be herbicide, insect, and virus tolerant.
Scientists are now trying to use biotech to determine genetic origins of diseases. People are also making new vaccines and pills for people with certain diseases.
Biotechnology is being used to improve DNA research technology and fingerprint scanners in the fields of forensics.
Biotechnology is helping the industries of food manufacturers to make different products so people who have allergies to that food be able to eat it.
Biotechnology is being used in the environment by reducing air pollution in cars and the amount of smoke coming into the air from factories.
Bt corn Enviro-pig Composting Biodiesel Glowing animals Insect and pesticides resistant crops
How is Bt corn made? What is an enviro-pig? How is DNA research technology improving? Why is pollution reduction a major part of biotechnology? What is biodiesel used for?