Tiffany 6D
This song is instrumental. It only uses one instrument, a key board. The song is cheerful at most points because it is mostly played in a high tone. But for some other parts of the song, it is also a bit scary because it is played in a low tone. The notes are mostly stepping up/ down but not all the time. The tempo of the song is going really fast. But in the middle of the song, it is more calm and has a slower tempo.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/ Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophillus Amadeus Gottlieb Sigismundus Mozart. His father was Leopold and he had an older sister, Maria Anna/ “Nannerl”. Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. He was traveling all over Europe playing music when he was just six years old. And because he often travel, Mozart eventually learnt how to speak in 15 languages. He wrote his first sonata for the piano when he was just four years old and composed his first opera when he was twelve years old. He composed very quickly and wrote huge amounts of music.
It would take over 8 days to play all of his music, without stopping. One nigh,t a mysterious stranger came to his house wearing grey clothing to hire Mozart to write a piece of music that choirs perform at funerals. Mozart was very afraid of ghosts and he was terrified of the stranger who kept nagging him to finish the piece. During his lifetime, Mozart was very well-known but spent money faster than he could earn it. He was poor when he died of kidney failure at the age of 35. Mozart is considered by some to be the greatest composer who ever lived.
When: the piano sonata was created by Mozart on the year Mozart created the piano sonata because he loved to play music. He could play many different instruments when he was just a kid. His father was also a violin teacher so that had encourage Mozart too.
MozartSimilaritiesBeethoven Speedy tempo. Cheerful song. Mostly played in high notes. In the middle of the song it is calmer. In the middle of the song, the tempo is getting slower. In some points, the music is played in low notes. When it is played in fast low notes, it is like being chased. It is played using only one instrument, keyboard Both of them are musical/ instrumental music. Both of them have some parts that are calm. Both of them are mixtures between fast and slow tempo, loud and soft voices, scary and calm. The song was shocking at first. Then it was calmer and the notes were at a not- so-fast tempo. It uses many instruments, it is an orchestra. At most points, the music was scary.
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