Translating the United Nations Convention against Corruption into Action From Doha to Marrakesh and beyond... Oslo Governance Forum – 4 October 2011 Jo Dedeyne-Amann, Chief Implementation Support Section, Corruption and Economic Crime Branch, UNODC
2 2 Model Country Review Within three weeksWithin one month Within six months Within five monthsWithin two months State party under review nominates focal point Secretariat organizes tele/videoconference to determine: Submission date of SA Report Language of review Division of labour Active dialogue State party under review submits response to the comprehensive self-assessment checklist State party under review organizes further means of direct dialogue, facilitated by the secretariat (meeting in Vienna or country visit) Secretariat circulates response to reviewing experts, after translation where required Secretariat organizes tele/video conference for introduction of the outcome of the desk review Reviewing experts submit the outcome of the desk review Reviewing experts prepare draft country report assisted by the secretariat, state party under review agrees to final country report, executive summary is prepared Within two months Within one month End of review process First Cycle ( ): Chapters III (Criminalization and Law enforcement) and IV (International Cooperation in Criminal Matters) Second Cycle ( ): Chapters II (Preventive measures) and V (Asset Recovery)
3 3 Year 1 : outcome – Guidance for coming Years Progress of the reviews 27 States parties under review from lots drawn in July Executive Summaries completed – Spain, Finland, Mongolia and Uganda Several other reports are nearing completion All but one review included a country visit Year 2 review process has begun 41 States parties under review, after deferrals Challenges Delays in appointing focal points and experts Self-assessment checklist and software Language and translation Different legal systems Report drafting process and executive summaries Guidance for Coming Years
4 4 Emerging trends following analysis of country reviews in year 1 Implementation of Chapter III (Criminalization and Law Enforcement) Examples of challenges identified : -adoption of measures to criminalize bribery in the private sector; -introduction of procedures regarding the protection of witnesses and the protection of reporting persons (whistle-blowers) Implementation of Chapter IV (International Cooperation in Criminal Matters) Examples of challenges identified : -Need for appropriate training, access to information, language skills to enhance international cooperation; -Need to strengthen channels of communication between competent authorities; -Need to further develop special investigative techniques
5 5 TA needs identified through the self-assessment checklist by countries under review - Chapters III and IV - Technical assistance needs identified through country reviews
6 6 Technical assistance delivered based on priorities identified through the process of implementation review Country-led and country-based, integrated and coordinated technical assistance programme delivery, taking into account global and regional trends requiring a broader perspective Three-tiered approach: Global Regional Country- level, to maximize impact, effectiveness and coherence in programming, to maximize synergies and avoid duplication 1. Analyze gaps 2. Compile TA needs through States’ self-assessment 3. Identify TA priorities 4. Develop responses & deliver TA/ act as broker of TA 5. Assess if TA filled gaps The Implementation Review Mechanism and TA programming Implementation Review Process
7 7 Division for Treaty Affairs United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime P.O.Box 500 Vienna A-1400 Austria Tel: Fax: For further information: