Why do so many children find maths hard when they succeed in other subjects? We often underestimate the difficulties children have understanding abstract ideas without pictures to help them. It’s comparable to teaching children reading without any pictures in the books. The Numicon shapes and patterns provide children with pictures of numbers that show the nature of numbers as well as their relationships. Numicon enables children to really “see” how numbers and the number system works. (Numicon 2014)
What is Numicon? Numicon's imagery uses patterns to represent each numeral. The patterns are structured so number relationships can be seen and experienced. Numicon encourages an understanding of number and arithmetic relationships. Understanding numbers is reinforced through conversation and use in real-life contexts. This generalises learning and meaning of mathematical concepts.
Numbers are abstract ideas- all we can do is show representations of them. Numicon shapes can be seen as 'pictures of numbers'
Why Numicon? Develops fluency by using a visual, practical base to develop conceptual understanding and fluent recall. Helps children to reason mathematically through the use of concrete objects and spoken language to explain and justify. Develops children into confident problem-solvers working in groups and independently. Meets the aims of the New National Curriculum for Maths 2014
Most Maths programmes begin with counting as the entry point for learning about number and what numbers mean. Numicon is different. Numicon teaches children about numbers and what they mean, before and alongside counting and patterning activities through hands-on activities, games, songs, in a structured approach. The strategy of this way of teaching is so supportive to all students, but particularly those requiring a visual, hands-on and explicit style. They are tools of thinking.
There are many challenges in learning maths: Words and their use are confusing- especially in English! Numbers are not objects- they cannot be picked up and explored. Instead they are a concept. Some people find the sequencing of numbers and the place-value system difficult to grasp. That's why being able to pick up the shapes of the numbers and do things with them (and with the pegs to make the patterns of the holes), children see numbers as 'wholes' made up of parts.
Numicon is: Quality first learning Written by experienced and qualified teachers and specialists Researched-based Progressive Number relationships Counting experiences Not reliant on counting for calculating Emphasises mathematical language Make connections to apply their understanding Inclusive for all students
Why we use Numicon Numicon creates a supportive learning environment Numicon encourages reflective thought and action Numicon provides opportunities for making connections with prior learning Numicon shows how new learning is relevant in real life Numicon encourages shared and individual learning Numicon provides many opportunities for learning
Interventions At Millbrook we aim to meet all of the children’s needs through high quality teaching (Wave 1) There are times when children need extra support to help them make progress The first step is for class teaching assistants to take children for interventions (Wave 2) If we feel the children still need more support they will do out of class interventions with other members of staff (Wave 3)
Maths Interventions The main intervention we use is known as ‘Wave 3 Maths’ and was created as part of the Primary National Strategy model This intervention looks to address any gaps in the children’s knowledge to give them solid foundations for the learning they are doing in class. Since October we have also been using Numicon as an intervention.
Numicon Interventions The Numicon interventions ‘Closing the Gap’ is quite intensive; the child will have three 30 minute sessions every week The intervention uses Numicon to give children a slightly different approach to Maths that they can take back and apply in their normal maths lessons As well as giving the children new strategies and techniques it also helps booster the children’s confidence Children are able to then use the Numicon independently in their whole class setting.