Maintaining DPF Filters
Maintaining DPF Filters Doggett Freightliner of South Texas Emission Retrofit Division 8700 IH-10 East Converse, Texas Tim DeLano Maintaining DPF Filters
Presentation Objectives Presentation is intended to be more of a “Public Service Announcement” for the general benefit of those that oversee transportation units. To begin a process of informing transportation departments (public and private) of the purpose and importance of maintaining DPF muffler systems.
Purpose Current Fleet Status 2007 Highway Rule In 2000, EPA moved forward on schedule with its rule to make heavy-duty trucks and buses run cleaner, and the Highway Diesel Rule (the "2007 Highway Rule"), was finalized in January 2001. Beginning with the 2007 model year, the harmful pollution from heavy-duty highway vehicles will be reduced by more than 90 percent. Reduce Smog – Causing Emission – 2.6 millions tons Reduce Soot/Particulate Matter (PM) – 110,00 tons Prevent premature deaths (8,300), cases of chronic & acute bronchitis (23,000) Prevent – asthma attacks & respiratory symptoms in asthmatic children – 750,000 Prevent – lost work days (1.5 million), hospital visits (7,400), & ER visits (2,400). DPF Muffler Systems are a permanent part of each fleet represented - they are here to stay.
DPF Muffler Systems Defined DPF Definition A ceramic device that collects the particulate matter in the exhaust stream. The high temperature of the exhaust heats the ceramic structure and allows the particles inside to break down (or oxidize) into less harmful components. DPF Purpose A DPF muffler is a device designed to remove diesel particulate (PM) or soot from the exhaust gas of a diesel engine. Passive regeneration –The engine exhaust temperature gets hot enough to trigger regeneration during vehicle operation.. Active regeneration –This system requires an outside source of heat energy, such as diesel fuel or electricity, to burn-off accumulated soot. This process may or may not require action by the driver. DPF Types
DPF Muffler Systems were developed based on the following facts DPF Muffler History DPF Muffler Systems were developed based on the following facts Diesel Engines produce a variety of particles during combustion of the fuel/air mix due to incomplete combustion. The quality of the fuel also influences the formation of these particles. Diesel particulate matter resulting from the incomplete combustion of diesel fuel produces soot (black carbon) particles. Soot and other particles from diesel engines worsen the particulate matter pollution in the air and are harmful to health. A high sulfur content diesel produces more particles. Lower sulfur fuel produces fewer particles, and allows use of particulate filters. The injection pressure of diesel also influences the formation of fine particles. New particulate filters can capture beyond 95% of the harmful soot.
DPF Muffler Malfunctions The intended function of a DPF filter is to trap everything that comes downstream. The fleet inefficiencies that are being discovered on units that are DPF equipped are present in units that are not DPF equipped. There is nothing to stop the flow of excessive particulate matter by the malfunction of related parts that cause this pollution. Perception My entire non DPF units do not have the same issues that these DPF equipped units have.
DPF Muffler Malfunctions The intended function of a DPF filter is to trap everything that comes downstream. The DPF technology usually functions correctly by trapping or stopping everything that travels downstream from the engine. Perception DPF filter is continually needing cleaning so there must be something wrong with the system.
DPF Muffler Malfunctions “DPFs themselves are not a big problem; our problems are outside the DPF,” said Brian Beaudrie, Western Region Maintenance Manager with Waste Hauler Republic Services Inc., headquartered in Phoenix. It’s the turbochargers and the charge-air coolers and other components,” he said. “When you lose a turbo, the oil seal leaks and fills the [DPF].” Sometimes it’s salvageable, sometimes not.” “It’s not the technology failing per se; it’s collateral damage due to upstream problems,” he said, “and that becomes a very expensive problem. That’s why [preventive maintenance schedules] become so critical on these engines.” Quotes taken for article titled: Engine Systems Trigger DPF Problems in Truck Fleet Management published 10-2012
The New Check Engine Light DPF Muffler The New Check Engine Light Indicators Increased Forced DPF Muffler ReGen’s. Increased DPF Muffler ReGen’s. Increased DPF Muffler Cleanings. Possible Causes Internal Engine Issues Injector Failures Piston and Ring Issues Charge Air Cooler Issues Turbo Failures EGR Valve Failures
Performing Efficiently DPF Pre-Ingredients – Engine Maintenance Fleets must make a commitment to insure that everything that takes place before the DPF Muffler System are Performing Efficiently Performing Correctly Turbochargers Check turbocharger for proper operation and excessive wear. Turbochargers that do not produce sufficient air or have leaking seals lead to more soot or the presence of lube oil in the exhaust.
Performing Efficiently DPF Pre-Ingredients – Engine Maintenance Air Filters Replace at intervals required by the engine manufacturer. Dirty air filters reduce air flow to the engine leading to more soot generation. Fleets must make a commitment to insure that everything that takes place before the DPF Muffler System are Performing Efficiently Performing Correctly Fuel Filters Replace at prescribed intervals. Look for the presence of lube oil in the fuel filter during regularly scheduled maintenance.
Performing Efficiently DPF Pre-Ingredients – Engine Maintenance Fleets must make a commitment to insure that everything that takes place before the DPF Muffler System are Performing Efficiently Performing Correctly Fuel Periodically inspect fuel in the on-board fuel tank for signs of lube oil contamination (black in color). Inspection should be done prior to refueling. Fuel Requirements DPFs are verified for use with Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel fuel (ULSD), which contains up to 15 parts per million sulfur. Fuel additives should not be used unless explicitly approved by the DPF manufacturer
Performing Efficiently DPF Pre-Ingredients – Engine Maintenance Fleets must make a commitment to insure that everything that takes place before the DPF Muffler System are Performing Efficiently Performing Correctly Coolant Monitor coolant consumption. Keep a log of the coolant added to the engine. Coolant leakage can poison the DPF catalyst and/or cause filter plugging. Lube Oil Change the lube oil at mileage intervals indicated by the engine manufacturer. Track usage.
Monitoring of Lube Oil Consumption Some of the components in lube oil can collect in the DPF and cause plugging or make the catalyst malfunction. Therefore, it is important to insure that the engine is not consuming lube oil at a rate higher than recommended by the engine manufacturer.
Monitoring of Lube Oil Consumption If the lube oil consumption exceeds specifications the engine must be repaired. Track lube oil usage by keeping a log of how much oil is added to the engine between oil changes. Increased lube oil consumption leads to increased ash load and filter plugging. Low ash (CJ-4) lube oil is recommended. (The ash cannot be removed by regeneration. The result is an increase in DPF cleaning frequency which is costly and involves downtime). Never put clean or used lube oil, additives, or alternative diesel fuels that are not authorized by the DPF manufacturer in the fuel tank.
6 Key DPF Trouble Shooting Solutions 4. Performing Opacity Test can determine potential engine issues. 1. Training drivers better to recognize and understand the dashboard warning signals. 2. Properly maintain vehicles. monitor fuel and lubrication oil consumption. 5. The DPF may be damaged by a poorly maintained engine. 3. A bad fuel injector or increase in oil consumption may be masked by a DPF. 6. Maintaining accurate service records.
They are the eyes and the ears everyday. Drivers are IMPORTANT They are the eyes and the ears everyday.
All units should be driven gently when the engine is cold. Drivers are IMPORTANT Fact: A diesel engine does not produce a lot of heat at idle. Fact: A load is typically required to bring the engine to full operating temperature. Fact: Load can not be created by simply increasing engine speed, it requires the resistance created by driving. All units should be driven gently when the engine is cold. Start Up Habits are Important
Fleets do not want to allow the engines to idle for too long. Drivers are IMPORTANT Start Up Habits are Important Dilemma Fleets do not want to allow the engines to idle for too long. But they also do not want to put a load on a cold engine until it is good and ready.
Start Up Habits are Important Drivers are IMPORTANT Start Up Habits are Important Recommendations Follow the engine/truck manufacturer recommended start/warm up procedures. Spec and use engine pre-conditioners that provide easier/safer cold starts and allow the engine to warm up faster. Perform needed engine repair. Ignoring problems will add additional soot to DPF muffler.
Drivers Must be Part of the TEAM Be aware of Dash Board Indicators Be aware of Rough Performing Engine Be aware of Frequent ReGen’s Be aware of Low Engine Power (De-Rating)
Route Management Benefits The effort of switching short, low speed low temperature producing routes that do not bring about DPF muffler burns with long, high speed high temperature producing routes that are routinely in the environment to perform DPF muffler burns. Benefits Greater Engine Efficiency Fuel Savings Balanced DPF Care Less Down Time
DPF Maintenance Ash Removal Thermal Regen (15 Minute Process) The use of compressed air combined with a vacuum system to blow the ash from the filter and capture it in a sealed container Fleets must have in place a DPF Maintenance Program to annually remove ash and unburned hydrocarbons. Thermal Regen (7 to 8 hour process) The use of heat to bake and burn hydrocarbons that are left after onboard regen process.
DPF Filter Efficiency DPF Filter Efficiency Defined Protecting the investment of a DPF Filter is very important to a fleet as replacement cost can be very expensive. The process by which a level measured in inches of H2O is reached through a DPF being pulsed by air to remove all loose ash and thermal baked to remove unburned hydrocarbons and re-pulsed to remove additional ash. Filter efficiency is enhanced by the following: Clean performing engine Annual Cleaning Driver/Technician awareness of engine trouble and failures.
1 to 5 depending on manufacturer of DPF Filter Efficiency Filter Recovery Target Pressure/Air Flow Range which a DPF Filter is deemed efficient to operate without affecting engine performance by continuous elevated back pressure. Target Range 1 to 5 depending on manufacturer of DPF Filter
DPF Filter Efficiency Efficient Performing Engine Increased Fuel Savings Efficient Performing DPF Less Unit Down Time Saved Revenue Undetected and unreported engine issues over a long period of time cannot lead to a DPF Filter returning to a proper operating efficiency. Creating DPF Filter Efficiency
DPF Filter Inefficiency Poor Performing Engine Increased Fuel Usage & Soot Loading Poor Performing DPF Increased Back Pressure that harms engine parts. Lost Revenue and Fleet Frustration It is important for leadership of a fleet department to recognize the reasons for the inefficiency of a DPF Filter. Diagnostics should be performed to identify the cause for more frequent cleaning intervals. A backpressure monitoring system should always be used with a DPF and periodic inspection of the monitoring system should be performed to confirm proper operation.
Doggett Freightliner Emission Retrofit Specialist Contact Information Tim DeLano 8700 IH-10 East Converse, Texas 512-845-1312 Chris Earle 8700 IH -10 East 210-336-8523