March 2014 Update
Agenda Applications Moving to Epic Future State Applications Epic Modules Legacy Support Hospital Go-live Sequence Project Status Keys to Success What you can expect 2
SLM HED HEC STAR Care Org HLAB HMM Others SLPG HIE SLA HED HEC STAR Care Org HLAB HMM Others SLB HED HEC STAR Care Org HLAB HMM Others SLRA HED HEC STAR Care Org HLAB HMM Others SLW Siemens SLQ HED HEC STAR Care Org HLAB HMM Others IDX 44 Applications moving to Epic
HIE SLPG IDX SLM SLA SLRA SLBSLQ SLW Homecare Acudose/Connect Rx Kronos Consensus 3M Softmed HPF Muse BloodBank MRS Redoc Endoworks GE PACS Varian PCA HEFM/HEMM EC2000 Medimizer Checkfree Dentrix Systoc 87 Applications remain in our future state
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Support for our Legacy Inpatient Systems Vision Our goal is to minimize service requests for changes or additions to the legacy inpatient systems – Focus will be on patient safety, quality, regulatory or key business initiatives – Administrative approval on all service requests – All calls for support or change requests should be directed to the Service Desk (x 3338) Many of your ‘go-to’ people in IT will transition to Epic Service Desk will ensure issues are directed to the right groups / people 7 7
Go-live Sequence Preface The utmost planning, due diligence and mitigation will be employed to assure the success of this critical program However, despite all efforts, an endeavor of this size, scope and that includes this amount of change, will never be without some level of discomfort 8 8
Conceptual Go-live Sequence and Timeline Warren, Anderson, Miners and Quakertown - Go live as Pilot ~ 10/3/2015 Bethlehem, Allentown and Monroe - Go Live “Phase II” ~ 3/5/
Benefits and Risks Risks The Go Live date is tied to the new hospital opening. The rollout dates may be delayed should the opening date slip Warren workflows and system are different than the rest of the network’s. Issues and lessons learned may not apply to subsequent go live Benefits Allows for a smaller group to pilot the SLUHN model build and workflows Minimizes the amount of interim “throw- away” interfaces and workflows that would need to be created (cost/time savings) Potentially reduces the amount of time post live that the team will need to resolve issues before continuing rollout Allows more resources/ focused attention to Warren and their unique workflows Warren has expressed interest in being first Potential cost savings should Warren Lab/PACs upgrades be delayed until go live 10
Program Accomplishments 11 -Contract signed -Program timeline and sequence determined -Program key phase dates determined -Team structure and Org Chart completed -Staffing Plan completed -New building lease for project team -SLUHN project staffing nearly complete -Project Charter started -Technical activities have already begun
Key Upcoming Activities 12 -Complete project staffing -Schedule Key Epic onsite planning meetings to include: -Executive Organizational Scoping Meeting -Technical Overview of Implementation -Integration Kick off -SLUHN team starting classes for Epic certification -Prepare office space for project team -Begin contracting with 3rd party vendors / applications -Explore specific integration requirements -Continued Project Planning -Planning for validation sessions
Physician Engagement -This is your system, so get involved -Physician Advisory Council -Subject Matter Experts -Workflow Design and Validation -Testing and Training -Training -Go-live – ‘Army’ of support -Optimization
What you can expect McKesson Announcement St. Luke’s Selects Epic Epic Implementation and Go-live Epic is live for 90 days Technology TriggerPeak of Inflated Expectations Plateau of Productivity Trough of Disillusionment Epic is live for 180 days Epic is live for 1 year Epic is live for 2 years Slope of Enlightenment Resources, prioritization, standardization, and communication are critical crucial to success Full Value Realized Goals, resources, expectations, and Communication are clearly defined Lessons learned Value realization begins 14
Summary -18 to 24 month project -Future state – One system for all hospitals that will interface with Allscripts -Project team off to a great start -Many decisions will impact you, so get involved -Training will be critical to our success -Expect issues at go live