Muscles of the thorax (respiratory muscles) 1. Internal Intercostals Action - Depress ribs 2. External Intercostal Action - Elevate ribs
Muscles of the abdominal wall 1.External Abdominal Oblique Action - Compress abdomen 2.Internal Abdominal Oblique Action - Compress abdomen 3.Rectus Abdominis Action - Flex vertebral column 4.Transverse Abdominis Action - Compress abdomen
Muscles of the abdominal wall
Muscles that act on the vertebral column 1.Erector Spinae Group Action - Extends head and vertebral column
Muscles that act on the thigh 1.Gluteus maximus Action- Extend and laterally rotate thigh 2.Gluteus medius Action- Abduct and medially rotate thigh 3.Tensor fasciae latae Action- Abduct thigh 4.Adductor longus Action- Adduct thigh 5.Adductor brevis Action- adduct thigh 6.Adductor magnus Action- Adduct thigh
Muscles that act on the thigh
Muscles that act on the leg 1.Rectus Femoris Action - Extend leg 2.Vastus Lateralis Action - Extend leg 3.Vastus Medialis Action - Extend leg 4.Vastus Intermedialis Action - Extend leg 5.Sartorius Action - Medially rotates leg 6.Gracilis Action- Flex leg 7.Semitendinosus Action- Flex leg 8.Semimembranosus Action- Flex leg 9.Biceps femoris Action- Flex leg
Muscles that act on the Leg
Muscles that act on the foot/toes 1.Gastrocenemius Action - Plantar flex foot 2.Soleus Action - Plantar flex foot 3.Peroneus Longus Action - Plantar flex and everts foot 4.Peronius Brevis Action - Plantar flex and evert foot 5.Extensor Digitorum Longus Action - Extend digits Tibialis Anterior Action - Dorsiflex foot 7.Flexor Digitorum Brevis Action - Flex digits Flexor Digitorum Longus Action - Flex digits 2-5
Muscles that act on the foot/toes