Maria Cano Chem 1010
The element has been around for many years it has been found in Egyptian tombs dating back to 1500 B.C. It is unclear who first discovered it. Hydragyrum meaning liquid silver was modified by the Romans, Hg is the symbol that is on the periodic table today for mercury Mercury is the 80 th element listed on the periodic table and known as Hg.
Around the fourth century Alchemist believed that mercury was a good substance because it had both solid and liquid, they saw it as earth and heaved or life and death. Chinese emperor also thought mercury would help them prolong their lives but did the opposite instead. Some traditional Chinese medicine still have high levels of mercury today.
Mercury is a dense, silver-white metal with a mirror like appearance. It’s the only metal that at room temperature is in a liquid state and evaporates slowly and the same temperature. Mercury also has a high surface tension, and when spilled, breaks up into tiny beads. Characteristics
There are many uses for mercury, some of the most commons use is for barometers and manometers which are measuring instruments (Example: Thermometer) Mercury is also used to make advertising signs and in lamps that are typically used for street light, as sun lamps, and UV lights. Compounds of mercury are also used in medicine, dentistry, cosmetics and in agriculture to make fungicides.
Mercury is very poisonous and cause some serious health effects to humans. If exposed to mercury by inhaling mercury the affects consist of: Disruption of the nervous system Damage to brain functions DNA damage and chromosomal damage Allergic reactions, skin rashes, tiredness and headaches Negative reproductive effects, such as sperm damage, birth defects and miscarriages.
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