Beef Master
Breed Characteristics O Color/Description- No set color pattern but generally light red or dark red. O Size lbs. O Polled O Known for their Terminal traits but also some Maternal O Disposition- Bulkier then most other cattle and pretty big.
History O Origin-Lasater ranch in south Texas O Import Date- In 1931 O Crossbreeding- ½ Brahman ¼ Shorthorn ¼ Hereford O Developed by Tom Lasater O Life span-18-22Years O Domestication- Dating back to 6500 B.C O Purpose- For meat production
Daily care O Nutrition/Hygiene-good quality pasture, nutritious food, and plenty of sunshine will greatly reduce health problems. O Disease prevention- Yearly vaccines and always check for anything unusual for symptoms indicating illness. O Habitat requirements- Water, Feed, Salt and Mineral licks and pasture O Costs-$1,800-$10,000
Production techniques O Growth stages- Heifer, Young cow, Adult O Breed registrations- Weight, Conformation, Milk Production, Fertility, Hardiness and Disposition. O Resale Value- Range between $20,000 & $35,000
Meat Production O Meat cuts- O Natural fed O Veal- Meat from a young cattle
Citations O O /overview /overview O O O O O O O its-a-heifer/ its-a-heifer/