Tao Ma Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Mississippi State University Research Update September 1, 2006
Page 1 of 4 Research Update Accomplishment Fixed 5 pages with broken header and footer problem in /isip/projects/speech/software/legacy/ Created a personnel directory page with photo and phone list for ISIP members Met with Michael Lane, the software documentation home directory is accessible now. (but lower level links still get problems) Updated “graduation page” and “What’s New” ISIP Website:
Page 2 of 4 Research Update Accomplishment Got a temporary solution for Fedora/RedHat (gcc3.2.3 compatible RPM package) –Tested under Fedora 4 (gcc4.0.0), all our IFC C++ classes passed “make test”. –According to GNU gcc4 release change announcement, gcc4.1.* don’t have compiler check change comparing to gcc This solution should be fine with gcc4.1.0, but still need testing to confirm. Modified SysComplex and Integral classes, these two classes themselves passed gcc4.1.0 compiling now –gcc4.1.0 doesn’t allow a constant variable related to other constant variables. We should add this into our c++ standard. –Discussing with Daniel, narrowed Checksum class problem into “SysComplex” template. IFC gcc Compatible Problem:
Page 3 of 4 Research Update Current Issues Finish the rest of “website issues _v03” SysComplex and Integral class depend on each other. They can pass the “make test”, but every other classes in system library can’t invoke these two classes smoothly, which cause gcc4.1.0 errors. (Daniel and I believe that the SysComplex Template causes this problem, I am still checking the gcc4.1 documentation now.) “IFC gcc Compatible” task turns out to be lots of work, it would be very helpful if Daniel can help me on this.
Page 4 of 4 Research Update Plans Focus on “IFC gcc Compatible” task to meet the Sep. 15 deadline Read papers related to statistic modeling and nonlinear analysis Continue studying IFC Documentation to learn IFC classes deeper Continue studying related Speech Recognition knowledge base.