As of: 24 SEP Slide: 1 Slide POC: Eugene Martin Unit/Section: G57 Exercises UNCLASSIFIED SOUTHERN ACCORD August 2016 The overall classification of this brief is : UNCLASSIFIED CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT EVENT OCTOBER 2014 Purpose: Build and agree on the concept for Exercise between MDF and US Commands.
Agenda Schedule Background Concept Joint Event Life Cycle Deliverables 2
3 Tuesday, 20 October UTCUS personnel arrive Lilongwe TBDUS personnel meet with USEMB-Lilongwe Wednesday, 21 October Meet with Lt Gen Spoonphiri and staff Lunch Meet with MDF Lead Planner, Col Phiri at MAFCO Thursday, 22 October Outbrief to USEMB-Lilongwe, (DCM Mr Gonzalez) 1200-UTCUS personnel depart Lilongwe Conference Timeline
Background SHARED ACCORD 11 SANDF and USMC South Africa Battalion Infantry Training SOUTHERN ACCORD 12 BDF and US Forces Botswana Brigade CPX and BN FTX SHARED ACCORD 13 SANDF and US Forces South Africa CJTF CPX and BN FTX SOUTHERN ACCORD 14 MDF, SADC and US Forces Malawi CJTF CPX SOUTHERN ACCORD 15 ZDF, SADC and US Forces Zambia Sector HQ CPX and BN FTX
Area of Operations (Malawi) Host nation SADC member nation Possible Invitees: 1. Angola 2. Botswana 3. Lesotho 4. Mozambique 5. Namibia 6. South Africa 7. Tanzania 8. DRoC 9. Zambia Exercise Location is Lilongwe, Malawi 9
What: SA16 Command Post Exercise When: 1-12 August 2016 SA16 will be a Command Post Exercise (CPX) focused on Peace Enforcement Operations (PEO) by integrating the SADC partner nations with USARAF forces and forming a Sector Headquarters to conduct operational planning of the UN/AU mandated operation in DRC. USARAF and MDF will set the conditions by coordinating with Partner Nations to ensure objectives and tasks are identified, validated, and incorporated into the exercise throughout JELC conferences and weekly DCO meetings. Identification of individual/ collective training that supports the commanders’ endstate will be identified and coordinated through the use of TCT, Mil-Mil, and online training utilizing APAN and VTC. The exercise will begin with an Opening Ceremony and proceed into academics at the Operational level that support UN/ AU PO operations. Upon completion of the academics the exercise will move into practical application in which the Sector HQ will conduct Mission Command and Consequence Management of its tactical (simulated) forces. Upon completion of the practical application, a series of discussions and After Action Reviews will be held to capture “Lessons Learned” and best practices to be further applied to future Southern Accords and SADC operations. Exercise Concept MPE/ TPFDD FPE/ Rehearsals IPE Southern Accord August FEB APR DEC 15 Basic Concept Brief (T) 22 DEC 15 Detailed Concept Brief (T) 15 FEB 16 = AFRICOM Required Briefs US and SADC forces deploy via Commercial Ticket Program Lilongwe, Malawi - Conduct Joint Reception of all participants - Establish Exercise Control Group - Establish Sector HQ IAW UN SOPs - Conduct Academics/ UN MCPP - Conduct C2 of Exercise - Conduct Operational Logistics Salima City, Malawi - Conduct Command Post Exercise (CPX) - Conduct After Action Review - Conduct Redeployment Activities Joint Event Life Cycle: Identify METL Individual/ Collective Training VTC, Mil-Mil, TCT, FAM Visit FPE: JTF 101 Academics MONUSCO Lessons Learned Rehearsal of Concept (ROC) CDE OCT 15
Exercise Construct SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 31 JUL 161 AUG 162 AUG 163 AUG 164 AUG 165 AUG 166 AUG 16 7 AUG 168 AUG 169 AUG 1610 AUG 1611 AUG 1612 AUG 1613 AUG 16 CPX Academics/ Rehearsal Opening Ceremony CPX AAR / Discussions Execution Preparation & Cultural Day Finalize RSOI & Preparation DV Days / Closing Ceremony MDMP Issue Op Order Practical Exercise during Academics will use utilize the exercise scenario. JECG Preparation/ Rehearsals AAR / Discussions
Proposed Scenario MONUSCO based scenario; (UNSCR 2098) SADC currently supporting Builds US and SADC capacity to support Peace Operations Integrate MONUSCO Lessons Learned from current operation into scenario/ MSEL build Provides a training opportunity for future MONUSCO and Force Intervention Brigade personnel Will incorporate gender based violence, inter-ethnic violence and the potential for mass atrocity prevention operations (MAPRO) within the scenario Goma North Kivu South Kivu The Force Intervention Brigade (FIB) continues to operate within the Democratic Republic of Congo as part of MONUSCO under UNSCR With the extension of the FIB mandate for another year on 28 March 2015, a new headquarters is due to deploy to assume the mission command responsibility from the currently deployed FIB headquarters. The FIB area of operations is the North and South Kivu Provinces centered on the city of Goma. The FIB mission set includes neutralizing armed groups (including the March 23 (M23), the Democratic Forces For The Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), and the various Mai Mai groups in the area). The FIB is also tasked with the protection of civilians and monitoring the implementation of the arms embargo within their area of operations.
MONUSCO Mission HQ Force HQ Police Component Proposed SA16 MONUSCO Command Structure Civilian Component WSHQ X CSHQ X ES II FPU I I I I I I I I I Training Audience JECG Replication ESHQ X FPU I I I I I
EX DIR Deputy EX DIR Sector HQ Malawi USA Malawi/ USA Proposed SA16 Exercise Structure Colonel Response Cells Police Sector HQ OPS/ Sustainment JECG FPU Multinational AVN This is the administrative exercise structure and does not indicate internal mission command structure of the Mission. Decision Required: Inclusion of the Police Component as a training audience. SOF
CDR LegalMedical CoS Proposed SA16 Sector HQ Staff Structure PAO U1U2U3U4U5U6U8U9 SOFLE Air OpsGEOINT Personnel Requirement for Sector HQ: ~81 Cmd Grp x 3 JAG x 2Med x 2 PAO x 4 U1 x 6 U2 x 8 GEOINT x 8 U3 x 10 Air x 2 U3 x 6U5 x 6U6 x 6U8 x 6U9 x 6SOF x 4 CoS x 2
Exercise Director JECG Director Senior Observer Mentor CoS OT U1 OT U2 OT U3 OT U4 OT U6 OT U8 OT U9 OT MSEL MGR MONUSCO Force CDR Intelligence/ Threat/FU2 Logistics/ FU4 Medical NGOs/IOs/ FU9 (CIMIC) MONUSCO Civilian Component MONUSCO Police Component HN Civil Governance/ Police Media FU3/5/FIB NGO SOF OT BN OC TM Proposed SA16 JECG Structure JAG OT Scenario Manager Response Cell Coordinator Deputy EX DIR RFI MGR AAR Coordinator Admin Specialist Aviation U5 OT Medical OT BN OC Personnel Requirement for JECG: ~35
Proposed SA16 Training Topics (1 of 2) Sector HQ Rules of Engagement (ROE)/Escalation of force – civil unrest Protection of populace – ethnic strife Coordination between the components (military-civilian-police) Emergency resupply operations Coordination with “other” actors, i.e. NGOs, host nation military and police, etc. Media, Information Operations (IO) Humanitarian Assistance (HA) “facilitation” MEDEVAC Code of conduct/SEA Staff integration and staff processes Intelligence fusion and integration into the planning and execution phases of operations Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) support Dealing with child soldiers
UN Mandate Review by JAG covering: Protection of Civilians Protection of Children Conflict Related Sexual Violence Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) Code of Conduct Human Rights/International Humanitarian Law Law of Armed Conflict HQ Staff Training (PKSOI) UN HQ staff structures and functional responsibilities during Planning and Execution phases of operations UN Planning Doctrine (PKSOI & 75 th MCTP) Military Component Planning Process (MCPP) Proposed SA16 Academic Topics
USARAF CG Guidance Meet AFRICOM objectives Link Exercise to current UN MONUSCO mission Build and maintain momentum from SA14 and SA15 Continue inclusion of SADC partner nations as participants Find venues that will maintain and/or increase US unit readiness As of USAMB Guidance
MDF CG Guidance As of
Questions and Comments As of