Musical Instrument Video Information and Directions
Make sure you have thought carefully of answering each one of the questions on the assignment page, and that you have looked at the rubric to see what you need to do to meet expectations This is an IN CLASS assignment, NOT homework Be prepared!
Leo Fender (1907–91), US guitar-maker. He pioneered the design and production of electric guitars and founded the company named after him.
Use the Vocabulary
Know what you have to do!
Get your Waves ‘exit slip’ poster to use during your video responses Prepare your responses, don’t just read off an index card or your Leo Fender paper, speak directly to the camera to answer each question Use the vocabulary at the bottom of the page! First
Open Photo booth and select the movie icon Second
Press the camera icon and count down 3, 2,1 to start recording. You can stop and start, you can attach all clips, in order, to your Wordpress page A good idea might be to only answer one question, save it as that question number, and then open a new Photobooth recording for each one Third
Drag each video to your desktop, and save it with your name and what question you answered Fourth
Open your Wordpress site and add the media Title of your Wordpress page? Why not: My Musical Instrument Then Publish or Update the page Copy the quick link and sent it in an to Ms. T Fifth