1 Announcement Force RP Work Shop: Low salinity water flooding The importance of salt content in injection water Stavanger 15 th of May 2008 An emerging and promising new EOR technique Can injection of low salinity water result in a substantial higher recovery? Is it applicable on NCS?
2 Low salinity water flooding 15th. of May 2008 The importance of salt content in injection water Deadline:Monday 11 th of May 2008 Venue:NPD, Stavanger Professor Olav Hanssensvei Stavanger Force RP contact person: Benedicte Kvalheim
3 Low salinity water flooding 15th. of May 2008 The importance of salt content in injection water 9:00Welcome and agenda by Benedicte Kvalheim, Force RP 9:05Introduction by NPD by Kirsti Veggeland, NPD 9:20Experimental experiences and challenges by Ingebret Fjelde, IRIS 9:50“Smart water” for enhanced recovery: A comparison of mechanisms in carbonates and sandstones by Tor Austad,UiS 10:20 -10:50Coffee break 10:50 BP experience: From laboratory experiments to field data by Kevin Webb, BP 12:00 – 13:00Lunch 13:00Experience from Shell by Willem Schulte, Shell 13:30Experience from StatoilHydro by D. Spangenberg, StatoilHydro 14:00Challenges on NCS: Case study, Heidrun Field by Einar Hegre, StatoilHydro 14:30Wrap-up by Olav Vikane, IRIS