The Atmosphere Ag Science
The Atmosphere The atmosphere is a layer of gases and tiny particles that surrounds the earth The atmosphere is a layer of gases and tiny particles that surrounds the earth The study of the atmosphere is called meteorology The study of the atmosphere is called meteorology –Meteorologists study Weather- the general condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place Weather- the general condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place Climate- general weather conditions over many years Climate- general weather conditions over many years
Composition of the Atmosphere Most abundant gases Most abundant gases –Nitrogen = 77% –Oxygen = 21% –Argon =.93%
Composition of the Atmosphere Most abundant compounds Most abundant compounds –Carbon Dioxide- from volcanoes and human activity –Water Vapor- from photosynthesis and transpiration
Layers of the Atmosphere There are 4 different layers There are 4 different layers Their atmosphere is based on temperature differneces Their atmosphere is based on temperature differneces
Troposhere The layer closest the earths surface. (The Weather Layer) The layer closest the earths surface. (The Weather Layer) Where most all water vapors & carbon dioxide is found Where most all water vapors & carbon dioxide is found Temperature decrease as altitude increases. Temperature decrease as altitude increases. Tropopause: zone at the top of the troposphere Tropopause: zone at the top of the troposphere
Stratophere (aka the ozone layer) Atmospheric layer that extends up from the tropopause Atmospheric layer that extends up from the tropopause Almost all of the ozone is concentrated here. Almost all of the ozone is concentrated here. As altitude increases, temperature increase slightly As altitude increases, temperature increase slightly Heated by UV absorption Heated by UV absorption Stratopause zone at the upper boundary Stratopause zone at the upper boundary
Mesophere Atmospheric layer above the stratopause. Atmospheric layer above the stratopause. The Coldest Layer, dropping to a temperature of –90 degrees C The Coldest Layer, dropping to a temperature of –90 degrees C Temperature decreases as altitude increase Temperature decreases as altitude increase Mesopause: upper zone above the mesosphere. Mesopause: upper zone above the mesosphere.
Thermosphere Atmospheric layer above the Mesopause Atmospheric layer above the Mesopause Temperature increase with altitude. Temperature increase with altitude. Air is so thin, no temperature is known Air is so thin, no temperature is known Heated by UV absorption Heated by UV absorption Lonosphere: lower region of the atmosphere Lonosphere: lower region of the atmosphere Exosphere: the zone of indefinite altitude (outer most) Exosphere: the zone of indefinite altitude (outer most)