ICDS System Strengthening & Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) Central Project Management Unit Ministry of Women & Child Development Tripartite Portfolio Review Meeting New Delhi: November 26, 2014
Key Project Information Project CoverageCentre and 8 Project States (162 Districts): 1.Andhra Pradesh 2.Bihar 3.Chhattisgarh 4.Jharkhand 5.Madhya Pradesh 6.Maharashtra 7.Rajasthan 8.Uttar Pradesh Project Implementation Period3 Years Project EffectivenessNovember 26, 2012 Project Closing DateDecember 31, 2015 Project FinancingAmount (US$ M) Total Project Cost Total Bank Financing (70%) Total GoI Financing (30%)45.50 Total Disbursements1.65 Implementation Progress RatingModerately Unsatisfactory
Project Status - Physical All 8 project states have secured necessary administrative and financial approvals for project staffing and 10 percent state share SPMUs established in all 8 States with Project Directors and Joint Project Coordinators in place Recruitment of technical consultants: Completed at the Central level (CPMU) (all key positions) State level: SPMU positions filled up in AP & Chhattisgarh; at an advanced stage in Bihar and Jharkhand; initiated in Rajasthan Due in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and UP District & Block level: AP – partially completed. In progress – Bihar and Chhattisgarh.
Project Status (Contd/-) Procurement: –Technical Agency hired in Nov-2013; full team in place at the central and 8 States level –Key IT equipment and other goods at the CPMU procured; –Few items under process (laptops, software, etc.; expected by Dec 20, 2014) –Procurement of all essential IT goods completed in AP, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and MP; Other States to complete by 31 Dec-14. Financials: -Funds transferred from GoI to 8 States (cumulative): Rs crore (approx.) -State Annual Action Plans for approved: Rs crore -Disbursement claims submitted to CAA & A: Rs crore
Physical progress – Contd/- Project Interventions initiated: Revised MIS rolled out in 3 States (AP, MP & Chhattisgarh); Training is underway in 2 States (Maharashtra and Jharkhand). UP, Rajasthan, Bihar lag due to issues related to printing of registers. New ongoing training (incremental learning) mechanism at the sector and health-sub center levels initiated: –Guidelines developed and issued to States –Training of State level master trainers completed –District and Block Resource Groups for facilitating incremental learning formed in 4 states: AP, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. Process is ongoing in MP, Maharashtra and Rajasthan Behavior change communication (BCC) activities initiated: –Formative research for supporting development of BCC strategy initiated –Community based traditional events focused on improving Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices initiated in 3 States (Bihar, MP, AP) (Guidelines issued to all states) Pilots designed and ready for implementation –Convergent nutrition actions pilot –Urban Pilot on Nutrition
Issues Hiring of consultants in Project States is taking longer than expected. –Approval of consultants positions obtained in UP on 21 Nov 14; in Rajasthan on 10 Nov 14; –Administrative hurdles still remain in MP and Maharashtra; Expected to be resolved soon. Capacity of states such as UP, Maharashtra and Rajasthan to deliver – minimal progress has been made by these states A remedial action plan developed in consultation with the Bank Team to speed up project implementation. GoI is planning a National Nutrition Mission: Re- alignment of project activities to fit some of the emerging priorities is under consideration through a project restructuring process.
Action Plan for next 4 months Additional interventions/activities keeping in mind PDOs of ISSNIP and aligned with larger ICDS priorities being identified for discussion with the Bank Team as part of the restructuring proposal; Hiring of technical consultants in the SPMUs and at the district/block level to be completed in all 8 States; Revised procurement plans based on the suggested remedial action plan to be implemented in all 8 States; All key activities including district-based pilots initiated across all States.
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