January Events
16 - Key Club Trash Pickup 21 - Service Mtg-Valentine’s Day Cards for Victoria Gardens 28 –Social: Hot Chocolate & Games (AHS Cafeteria)
Recipient: Carl Osburn Former SRO at AHS Diagnosed non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver Received liver transplant Love Week Event: Cars for Cause Feb. 13 New Hour Opportunity: Bake Sale Help -If you would like to help make food or bring baked goods for the sale during the car show please
Hours! December and November service hours due this Friday, January 15 th (TOMORROW) Per the contract: At the end of the Fall semester, all required service hours must be completed to remain a member in good standing. If the 25 service hours for the Fall semester are not completed, the member will be placed on probation. Semester 1 hour report will be available January 21 st meeting and on the website.
Hours! The member will be notified of the following options available: If a minimum of 15 hours have been completed in the Fall semester (member did not reach 25 hours), then the member is required to complete those hours by January 30th before losing his/her membership. If a minimum of 15 hours have not been completed during the fall semester, then the membership is cancelled Semester 1 makeup hours may be reported on the January form
Key Club District Convention (DCON) Downtown Dallas April 21 (Thurs.)-24 (Sun.); 3 days 3 nights Sheraton Downtown Dallas 67 th Annual T-O District Convention 67 th Annual T-O District Convention $120 if registered by March 25 Contests and Awards – Video Game Contest: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Keynote Speaker: Houston Kraft Service Fair District Staff Elections
Key Club Scholarships O You must attend the district convention (DCON) if they are applying for a Foundation scholarship O Scholarship of the Year Award available O Senior Scholarships available O The due date for the applications is that they must be postmarked by February 1 st O
Board We will be electing our new board soon! Applications available on website: N/A (soon) Applications due: Feb. 18 Elections: Mar. 3rd
Service Event: Bookmarks Paper Bookmarks Cut paper in half Decorate both bookmarks front and back Make 4 to get your hour! Sign at bottom: Allen High School Key Club Flower Bookmarks Take 4 pipe cleaners (pc) Take 1 pc: fold into 3 circles (petals) Twist them around to connect each petal Repeat for another pc (1 pc) Take 1 pc: wrap it around your pinky so it looks like the center of the flower Combine the 3 pcs and twist them to make a flower Take 1 pc: Fold it once and twist it around to become the stem