Spanish Power Grows Chapter 4 Section 1 Objectives: 1.Describe the empire that Charles V inherited 2.Analyze the power increased under Philip II
I. Charles V Inherits Two Crowns Originally Charles I of Spain –His grandfather dies He inherits the Hapsburg Empire –The Hapsburg Empire »Best known for being an origin of all Holy Roman Emperors between 1438 and 1740 »As well as rulers of the Austrian and Spanish Empires –Constant Warfare Fought against Protestantism –Abdicates his throne in 1556 The Empire was too Cumbersome –Central Europe goes to his brother Ferdinand I –Spain, the Netherlands, Southern Italy, and the overseas colonies to his son Philip
II. Philip II Reigns for 42 years Claimed Divine Right –He received his authority from God –Saw himself as the guardian of the Roman Catholic Church The Netherlands –Originally 17 provinces Included Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg Highly Protestant Area –Resisted Catholic influence –Goes to war with Spain from –Declared Independence –Not fully recognized until 1648 William of Orange –AKA William the Silent –Primary resister of the Spanish –Helps end the war with a truce
The Armada and the English –Elizabeth I of England Philip’s # 1 Protestant Enemy Ordered many attacks on Spanish Ships and settlements –Philip sends the Armada to England Armada – Large fleet of ships –130 Ships, 20,000 men, 2400 pieces of Artillery –The English Channel »Narrow, rough waters »Large ships were out maneuvered by lighter, faster English ships »Philips decline would begin with this loss