For total elimination of malaria every stone need to be turned: species composition and population dynamics of malaria vectors 1 Fernando, A, 2 Harishchandra, J 1 Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, Sri Lanka, 2 Anti Malaria Campaign, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka
Introduction Malaria is one of the greatest health problems responsible for over millions of deaths Eradicating malaria requires an understanding of all potential breeding sites Attention is now focused on previously ignored potential habitats Therefore, a study was conducted in three previously ignored habitats all within close proximity to human dwellings
Methodology Types of habitats sampled: Active and abandoned quarry and brick pits in wet and intermediate zone (N = 22) Agro wells in dry zone (N =38) Mode of mapping of habitats : ArcGIS ® Duration: February 2012 to March 2013 Sampling technique: Two weekly sampling of water Identification of larvae using 3 rd and 4 th instar stages
An agro well in dry zone An abandoned and semi naturalized quarry pit A brick pit in study area
Mean density of total mosquito larvae, potential malaria larvae and of each species were calculated for every sampling Spatio-temporal variations in densities were explained using descriptive statistics
Species Quarry Pits Brick Pits Agro wells Species Quarry Pits Brick Pits Agro wells An. culicifacies+++An.annularis+-- An. vagus+++An. pallidus++- An. varuna+++An. jamesii+++ An. nigerimus+++Cx. tritaeniorinchus+++ An. peditaeniatus+++Cx. gelidus+-+ An. barbirostris+++Cx.infula+++ An. subpictus-++Cx. malayi +++ Results Table 1: Species composition of mosquitos recorded from quarry pits, brick pits and agro wells. Potential malaria vectors are indicated in brown letters
At least one species of mosquitos was detected every month The peak mosquito density was recorded in January 2013 (a) ( b) Figure 1: Fluctuation of larval density of (a) total anopheline and culicine and (b) all potential malaria vector species from February 2012 to January 2013 in quarry pits 0.61 ± 0.72 SD per dip0.542 ± SD per dip
(a) ( b) Figure 2: Fluctuation of larval density of (a) Total anopheline and culicine and (b) all potential malaria vector species from February 2012 to January 2013 in brick pits In brick pits, similar fluctuations in densities were recorded with a peak density of mosquitos in March ±1.20 SD per dip 0.72 ±1.19 SD per dip
(a) ( b) Figure 3: Fluctuation of larval density of (a) Total anopheline and culicine and (b) all potential malaria vector species from February 2012 to January 2013 in agro wells Mosquitos were present throughout the year with peak densities in March ±0.58 SD per dip ±0.40 SD per dip
Discussion and conclusions A total of 8, 8 and 7 potential malaria larvae were identified in brick pits, quarry pits and agro wells respectively The current study revealed the challenges in total eradication of malaria as chemical controlling techniques may not be suitable because; agro wells are used for obtaining potable water semi naturalized pits harbor important native aquatic organisms Sri Lanka has been declared as free from indigenous malaria, hence efforts must continue to control larvae from these sites
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