Empowering Patients and Communities Report from the TaskForce on Community Involvement in TB Care and Prevention Paris, 31 October 2006
Background New Stop TB strategy launched March Mandate given during 1 st ACSM Subgroup at country-level meeting last year; joint effort of WHO and Partnership. Representation of relevant constituencies: Patients, community representatives from grass root level, CSOs, NGOs, NTPs, other WHO departments involved in similar work.
Objectives To reach consensus on the terminology used to describe initiatives aimed at establishing partnership with communities. Present results of the review of community involvement in TB control and discuss emerging issues. To build consensus on draft guidelines on promotion of community involvement in TB control.
Methodology A series of country reviews conducted (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Philippines, Uganda) Literature reviews: patient empowerment in TB control, community involvement in TB control. Above summarized and discussed in concept paper disseminated to all Taskforce members before meeting. Consensus building on recommendations a joint effort by all taskforce members.
Process Milan meeting: reaching consensus on broad recommendations. In order to speed up the process, forming a writing committee. Workshop aimed at finalizing 1 st draft of final document November E.mail-based finalization of document (task force). Endorsement by ACSM Subgroup at country-level, and STAG Subgroup.
Final document: main areas of focus Target audience: NTPs and Partners (e.g. Civil Society, Patients, Local community etc.) engaged in TB care and prevention Overarching principles (with definitions): - subsidiarity, sustainability, empowerment, local ownership, - human rights and individual responsibility, social justice, solidarity, stigma, justice, solidarity, stigma, -partnerships with patients, local community, and civil society at different levels, no one-size-fits-all, in line with MDGs.
Final document: main areas of focus Policy guidance for NTPs: Developing or revising NTP policy to include component 5 of Stop TB strategy (actions, principles) Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) Preparing strategy and operational plan for component 5 with specific behavioral objectives and targets (actions, principles) Building capacity for component 5 and all other areas relevant for quality TB control (actions, principles) Developing IEC and BCC strategy, methodologies and materials for different levels and stakeholders Approaches to component 5 need to take into account special challenges (eg. TB/HIV, MDR TB, indigenous populations, prisoners, etc.)
Final document: main areas of focus Ensuring quality of service delivery Ensuring quality of broad range of services provided at community level (actions, principles) Establishing M&E/supervision Establishing monitoring, evaluation and supervision plan for component 5 Budget/Financing (actions, principles) Operational Research Additional operational research is needed to answer general or context-specific questions (actions, principles)
Timeline for finalizing document Meeting of writing committee to work on preparing 1 st draft of final document – by mid November Draft circulated for comments (taskforce and ACSM at country-level) – comments by mid December ‘06 Endorsement by ACSM subgroup at country-level – by mid January ‘07 Circulation to STAG subgroup for discussion/endorsement ( ) – by mid January ‘07 STAG endorsement – by end January ‘07 Final editing and publication – by end February ‘07