ANGUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 2010/11 Budget Setting Exercise £000 Base Revenue Budget 2009/10 96,905 Adjustments Pay Award/Increments2,129 Class Sizes200 Maternity Leave Entitlement 450 Other995 Less Savings Less Corporate Savings (1,374) (83) Final 2010/11 budget Note: Excludes capital expenditure 99,222
ANGUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Summary of 2010/11 Budget£000 Nursery4,604 Primary31,545 Secondary36,683 Additional Support Needs9,427 Support for Pupils5,199 PPP – check figure5,526 Psychologist, /SFSS, CLD EDS & ICT Other 1,311 2,156 2, Total99,222
ANGUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Devolved Budgets - Examples of typical large primary school Staff Costs Teacher EntitlementApr-Jul20.8Aug-Mar19.36 £ Teachers 868,494 Trainee/Additionality/Clawback -1,200 LG Costs 230,383 Absence Cover 12,185 CPD 5,510 Total Staff Costs 1,115,372 Property Costs Rates – Buildings/Water/Sewerage 59,470 Building Repairs/ Ground Maintenance 9,060 Energy – Electricity/Gas/Oil/Biomass 28,000 Cleaning Contract/ Furnishings and Improvements/ Janitorial Supplies 51,372 Total Property Costs 119,902 Supplies and Services Costs Per Capita 16,662 Replacement & Maintenance of Equipment 17,205 Telephone and Postage 1,478 Total Supplies and Services 35,345 Central Support Services - Property/Finance/EDS 21,634 Total Devolved Budget 1,320,253
ANGUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Possible Cuts 2011/12 and beyond by 2014 around £23m (for Council as a whole) still have budget of around £250m (Education share 37.4%) five priorities (Angus Council and community planning partners) - prosperous and fair - learning and supportive - safe and strong - caring and health - sustainable
ANGUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Challenge continue to improve services plan for a smaller and more flexible workforce focus on priorities achieve best value Council has set out possible savings for example - shorter opening hours - ground maintenance - increase charges
ANGUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Recent Development Proposed Scottish Government/COSLA agreement Education matters remain committed to deliver curriculum for excellence maintain pupil teacher ratio protect as far as possible teacher numbers agree to independently chaired review of McCrone Agreement by June 2011 Implications not yet absolutely clear but we expect this to reduce impact on school budgets in 2011/12
ANGUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Questions to consider from a parental perspective what aspects of school provision do you value most any expenditure/services you suggest could be reduced (or removed) with little or no impact on educational provision