Fall th Day #s (9/21/04) Additional data is available at the Institutional Studies & Planning website (Dr. Guihua Li) htt://irp.stcloudstate.edu M. Saffari, (Updated 10/19/04) Enrollment Data
New Entering Student Data for Fall th Day #s (as of 9/21/04) M. Saffari, 9/21/2004 * The time of semester conversion 1. New Students of Color (SOC) New Entering SOC Freshmen:+ 38.5% Inc. over fall ‘03 (144 vs 104) (the highest increase in 6 years)* New Entering SOC Transfers:+ 70.2% Inc. over fall ‘03 (80 vs 47) (the highest increase in 6 years)* 2. New Transfer Students % (+181) Inc. over fall ‘03(1304 vs 1123) 3. New International Students (Under Grad) NEF(48 in ’04 vs 61 in ’03)-13.1% (-19) Dec over fall ’03(126 vs 145) NET (78 in ’04 vs 84 in ’03) 4. New Freshmen ACT Scores Division of General Studies (DGS) +.74 Inc. in mean ACT over fall ‘03 and 1.02 over fall 2002 cohort(20.15 vs 19.13) Students of Color (NEF)+.58 Inc. in mean ACT over fall ‘03 (19.71 vs 19.13) All New Entering Freshmen +.10 Inc. in mean ACT over fall ‘03 and +.23 over fall ‘02 cohort (21.59 vs 21.36)
A 2-Year Head Count, Credit Hour and FTE Comparison for Fall ’04 & ‘03 10 th Day #s (as of 9/21/04) M. Saffari, 9/23/04 Fall ‘04 Fall ’03#/% of Inc or Dec Total Head Count #s15,608 *15,444 * +164 (16,092, 30 th day #s)(16,022, 30 th day #s)+70 Total FTE13,17813, Total CH192,850192, Total # of SOC738 (4.7%) ** 619 (4.0%) ** +119 (+19.2%) up in Am. Ind, Af. Am. Asian, NH/PI, Latino/a Total Graduate HC1,3991, (+3.2%) Total CH9,6428, (+7.3%) Total FTE (+7.3%) Total International HC836 (5.4%) ** 915 (5.9%) ** -79 (-8.6%) (Includes Intensive English Students) New Honors Students (+10.4%) Enrolled in the Honors Prog. NEF2,2052, (-4.3%) NET1,3041, (+16.1%) +2.3% Source: Office of Institutional Studies and Planning, 9/21/2004 * Headcounts exclude students with 0 credit hours. ** Indicates percentage of the total head count enrollments
A 2-Year Head Count Students of Color Enrollment Comparison 10 th Day #s (As of 9/21/04) M. Saffari, 9/23/04 Fall ‘04 Fall ’03 #/% of Inc/Dec Am. Indian or Alaska Native % Asian % Black or African American % Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander % Latino/a % _______________________________________________________________________ Total % (4.7%) * (4.0%) * Source: Office of Institutional Studies and Planning, 9/21/2004 * Indicates percentage of the total head count enrollments