Established standards of care given with respect and consideration, regardless of race, age, or payment source. Information about your illness, possible treatments and likely outcome, and to be a part of the decisions made about your care. Your caregivers will make their names and roles known to you. Voice your concerns, complaints, and questions about your care and expect a timely response. Complete an advance directive, such as a living will or medical power of attorney for healthcare, expressing your choices about your future care and designating a representative to look after your interests if you cannot. Privacy, individual dignity and confidentiality in regard to your treatment, and medical and financial records; unless you have given permission to release information or reporting is required or permitted by law. Review your medical records and to have the information explained, except when restricted by law. Expect that the hospital give you necessary health services to the best of its ability. If a transfer is recommended, you will be informed of the benefits and alternatives. You would not be transferred until the other institution agrees to accept you.
Know the relationships the hospital has with outside parties (such as healthcare providers or insurers) that may influence your treatment and care. Consent or decline to take part in research affecting you care. Be told of realistic care alternatives when hospital care is no longer appropriate. Be informed of available resources for resolving disputes or grievances. Know about hospital rules that affect you and your treatment and about charges and payment methods. Appropriate assessment and management of pain. You can expect your healthcare provider to recognize, report, and treat pain promptly, using assessment skills based on your perception and communication of your pain. You can also expect your healthcare provider to provide you and/or family members education on pain assessment and management. Your cultural, spiritual, and ethical beliefs will be taken into consideration in the management of your pain.