Air Pollution
AIR POLLUTION Clean Air made up mostly of nitrogen & oxygen with some traces of argon, carbon dioxide, water vapor Air Pollution results when harmful substances enter atmosphere due to human activity Substances that enter the air can be solid, liquid, or gas You can have natural pollutants: dust pollenspores –Two categories: Primary- direct contact with air secondary- occurs when 2 primary pollution come into contact with each other secondary- occurs when 2 primary pollution come into contact with each other Ex: Ozone
Primary Air Pollutants Carbon Monoxide (CO) odorless, colorless produced by incomplete burning of fossil fuels Source- automobiles Effects- causes drowsiness, headaches, stress on heart interferes with blood’s ability to transport oxygen interferes with blood’s ability to transport oxygen interferes with normal fetal growth interferes with normal fetal growth
Primary Air Pollutants Nitrogen oxides (NO x ) Formed through synthesis reaction of oxygen and nitrogen at high temperatures contributes to brown smog and acid rain Source- automobiles, power plants, industrial boilers Effects- body is vulnerable to respiratory disease, lung cancer, cause of metal corrosion and fabric fading
Primary Air Pollutants Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) Formed by synthesis of sulfur and oxygen Source- fossil fuels, factories, coal-burning plants Effects- contributes to acid rain, respiratory disease, secondary damage to ecosystems
Primary Air Pollutant Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) organic chemical produces toxic fumes Source- fossil fuels, solvents, paints, automobiles Effects- contributes to smog causes cancer causes cancer destruction of ecosystem destruction of ecosystem
Primary Air Pollution Particulate Matter (PM) tiny particles of liquid or solid forms clouds that restrict visibility ex: smoke, dust, acid droplets Source- construction, agriculture, forestry, fires, automobiles, fossil fuels Effects- respiratory problems, cancer, corrosion of metal, building and sculpture erosion corrosion of metal, building and sculpture erosion
Smog Term for the combination of smoke and fog Results from chemical reaction involving sunlight, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbons Source- automobiles and industry Effect- reduces visibility, respiratory disease
Secondary Air Pollutants Transportation 1/3 of air pollutants come from gasoline automobiles Fuel burning Industrial processes Construction, agriculture, unpaved roads
Controlling Pollutants From Automobiles elimination of lead in gas lead to 78% reduction of lead in air catalytic converters cleans exhaust before leaving car’s tailpipe Carpooling 2 person carpool leads to 33 mil lb reduction of CO 2 new designs hybrids, electrics, hydrogen, ethanol
Controlling Air Pollution from Industries Scrubbers pollution controlling device that removes pollutants Electrostatic precipitators used in cement factories & coal burning power plants to remove particulates from smokestacks
Thermal Inversion Trapping of air pollution near the Earth’s surface Normal air flow::: Sun heats Earth warm air rises takes air pollution with it. Thermal Inversion::: Sun heats Earth warm air is not on surface but above it cold air near surface of Earth traps pollution Occurs most often in valley areas
Indoor Air Pollution Contributors Tetrachloro-ethylene(dry cleaning fluid) Paradichloro-benzene(moth balls) Tobacco smoke FormaldehydeGasolineRadon Carbon monoxide FungiBacteriaAsbestos Nitrogen oxide
Sick Building Syndrome Occurs in buildings with poor circulation Common in deserts, California, Florida Solutions: Air filtration Ventilation
Radon InvisibleOdorless TastelessRadioactive Most concentrated in porous soil Found under house foundation or cracks in walls Radon decay destroys genetic makeup of cell often leading to death
Asbestos Found in fibers containing silica Uses: Cement reinforcements Brake linings Vinyl flooring Siding Fire proof clothes Damage: Cuts lining of lungs Causes asbestosis – breathing becomes labored breathing becomes labored may cause death may cause death
Diseases Chronic Bronchitis persistent inflammation of lung tissue coughing weakens bronchial tubes sources: sources: Particulates, SO 2, NO x Particulates, SO 2, NO x
Diseases Asthma condition where bronchial passages constrict and become blocked with mucus Condition is not caused by pollutants but is made worse
Diseases Emphysema Results when air sacs in lungs lose their elasticity Exchange of CO 2 and O 2 is impaired Lung Cancer Sources: smoking, exhaust, PM smoking, exhaust, PM
Clean Air Act 1970, 1977, 1990 Gives EPA authority to regulate air quality Established natural ambient air quality standards all major primary air pollutants are involved Decreased major pollutants by 32%
Kyoto Protocol 1997 and on Central position- Reduction of Greenhouse Gases by 5% by the year 2008 Ratification occurred on February 2005 Countries committed to the reductions USA has not committed to the protocol