Joanne Callahan Southern Connecticut State University Field Project in Education Dr. Joel Meisel Spring 2011
Today’s students utilize technology in various ways and can support their education with the internet. Practicing academic skills outside the classroom helps students to perform better in the classroom, on tests and solidifies the concepts taught in the classroom.
Who are Digital Natives?
Who are Digital Immigrants?
“Digital Immigrant teachers assume that learners are the same as they have always been, and that the same methods that worked for the teachers when they were students will work for their students now. But that assumption is no longer valid. Today’s learners are different.” (Prensky, 2001)
Rubric for Websites Attribute3 Points2 Points1 Point CostFree Fee less than $50.00 annually Fee greater than $50.00 annually Challenge Multiple grade/challenge levels More than one game for same concept Only one level for each game Academic significance Aligned with state standards Addresses grade level concepts Substantial skill practice Addresses grade level concepts Substantial skill practice Skills practice Color and graphics Many colors, characters, and scenes, good action Limited colors, scenes, and action Similar and simple graphics throughout site Ease of navigation multiple menus, easy to locate desired activity Some difficulty relocating activity Limited menus, difficult to locate desired activity Teacher/parental support Recommendations, explanations, and /or lessons plans to use the site Some information about using the website to guide parents and help students Little or no support for parents or teachers Engagement Students enjoy many of the activities Students enjoy some of the activities Students like only one activity on the site RatingBest 15-21Better 8-14Good 0-7
Websites AAA Math - Cool Math and Cool Math 4 Kids National Library of Virtual Manipulatives- Starfall The Learning Planet- Fun Brain- BrainPOP – Fun School and Kaboose- Education Place- PBS Kids-
Smartphone Applications Everyday Mathematics Math Skills Flash ToPass Free Math Flash Cards Story Kit Read Me Stories BrainPOP Featured Movie
As teachers and digital immigrants it is essential to embrace and encourage the use of technology to support instruction outside of the classroom.