Leaving Certificate Biology Food & Feeding 1 iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on Enable this content
Nutrition means how an organism acquires its … ShelterWater SunlightFood
A, B, C, D, E, K are all examples of … VitaminsFood additives MineralsE numbers
This vitamin can prevent scurvy. Is it … Vitamin AVitamin C Vitamin BVitamin D
Which of the following foodstuffs is rich in carbohydrate? Bacon EggsButter Bread
Starch, maltose, glucose and glycogen are examples of … LipidsProteins PolypeptidesCarbohydrates
A good source of protein would be … TomatoesPasta MeatOranges
Which of the following is a function of protein in the body? InsulationGrowth EnergyHeat
Which of the following is needed in the diet to make red blood cells? IronIons ZincCalcium
This chemical is used to test for reducing sugar. Filing’sFehling’s IodineCopper sulphate
The cell wall of plants is made of … CelluliteGlycogen CelluloseStarch
The controlled release of energy from food is called … DigestionDiffusion PerspirationRespiration
Protein gives this colour with the Biuret test. OrangeBlue-black PurpleGreen
Fats and oil leave this type of spot on brown paper. TransparentTranslucent TransgressantTransascent
Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen can all be found in … CarbohydratesProteins LipidsStarches
Which organic compound has hydrogen and oxygen present in the same ratio as in water? ProteinNucleic acid Amino acidCarbohydrate
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