QEP Topic Selection Team Announcement and Invitation
To introduce QEP To ensure a deliberate & transparent process To invite you to share “big ideas” To ask for help in collecting assessment data
Quality Enhancement Plan A core requirement for SACS Reaffirmation of Accreditation: “... a carefully designed course of action that addresses a well-defined and focused topic or issue related to enhancing student learning” (SACS Handbook for Reaffirmation of Accreditation, 2007, p. 3).
To make the SACS reaffirmation of accreditation process less prescriptive and... To give more control to institutions. Why is a QEP now a SACS Core requirement?
Compliance Report reduced from 463 MUST statements to... ◦ 57 comprehensive standards, ◦ 16 core requirements, and ◦ 7 federal requirements. Part I (Compliance Report) Due: Sept Part II (QEP) Due: Jan SACS Requirement Change
-If SACS does not accept our QEP Topic or even our Topic Selection Process, our university can lose accreditation! +We have the opportunity to determine for ourselves a student-learning related topic, goal, and plan to achieve it that will make our great institution even better! Why is the QEP important to UK?
(1) is a broad-based institutional process (2) focused on student learning and learning outcomes (3) based on key issues emerging from assessment & (4) the mission (strategic plan) of the institution. In it, we must … (5) demonstrate institutional capability to implement, complete, and assess it. (SACS Core Requirement 2.12)
“Do the Right Thing: A Campus Conversation on Ethics” (Texas Tech Univ.) “Enhancing Student Learning Through Improved Advising” (Louisiana State Univ.)
“Degrees of Excellence— Reconceptualizing the Core Curriculum” (Univ. of Alabama) “Enhancing Student- Faculty Engagement” (Univ. of Virginia)
“The International and Intercultural Awareness Initiative” (Univ. of Tennessee) “The Integrated Communication Initiative” (Webber International Univ.) “Discovery Based Learning: Transforming the Undergraduate Experience Through Research” (University of Houston) “The Student-Achievement Center: Enhancing Student Learning in a Comprehensive Service Center” (Louisiana Tech Univ.)
Present the QEP as merely “another SACS hoop to jump through” Impose a QEP topic from the top down Submit a QEP topic that describes initiatives already fully realized Try to do too much (feasibility)
1) Pre-Planning Team (PPT) Develops a topic selection plan and timeline 2) Topic Selection Team (TST) Identifies a topic based on broad input 3) QEP Development Team (QEP-DT) Writes up the 100-page QEP document (Due to SACS January 2013) 4) QEP Implementation Team (QEP-IT) Implements the QEP and prepares impact report (Due to SACS December 2017)
Introduce QEP Ask for “Big ideas” Collect & Review Existing Formal and Informal Assessment Data Program Review Reports Program assessment reports Formative assessments Spring 2010 … Brainstorming
Categorize Ideas Based on Emergent Themes Develop Criteria for Evaluating Pre-Proposals and White Papers Develop Rubrics for Preparing Pre-Proposals and White Papers Summer 2010 Members of the TST Will...
Begin to flesh out a “big idea” into a one-page executive summary that... Includes a rationale explaining how the “big idea” relates directly to student learning and Why this “big idea” is valuable to students, faculty, staff, & stakeholders (alumni, employers, community). Pre-Proposals...
Are fully developed 8-10 page proposals that provide... A rationale and an implementation plan that are solidly Supported with research. Developers will be compensated with a $ honorarium. White Papers...
Report Emergent Themes Back To Campus Community Invite Pre-Proposals (Guidelines, criteria, and rubrics will be included in the invitation.) TST (August/September)
October 1: Pre-Proposals Due Evaluate Pre-Proposals (Select 8-10 for possible White Papers.) December 1: White papers are due. January – March 2011: Evaluate white papers and, ultimately, the QEP topic. TST (Fall 2010 – March 2011)
Questions? Comments?