Progress Report and PAM English 407A
Progress Report: Overview Progress Report is due by 5 p.m. Friday April 3 Each team is responsible for submitting a group-written progress report that presents the results of research/work completed to date. It should be written in memo format not exceed four pages include at least two visuals (table, graph, chart, or picture/screenshot)
Progress Report: Format As a genre, the progress report focuses on work completed and work remaining—with context provided by overview, background, and conclusion sections. Should present preliminary findings, conclusions, recommendations you will present in final report. As with all effectively organized reports, you are not limited to these sections. For example, you could use the types of research completed as (sub)section headings. Overview Background Work Completed Work Remaining Conclusion
Project Assessment Memo This PAM is primarily a group performance evaluation. Written after your team has completed final report at end of semester. In a formal business e-mail memo no longer than 500 words, evaluate the success of your project the final versions of documents how your team performed as a group Be sure to assess the performance of each team member, including yourself, according to the following criteria: Contributed his or her fair share to all phases of the project? Participated actively in meetings? Was dependable, prompt, and courteous as a group member?