Quality and Effectiveness Framework for post-16 learning
QEF overview 1.Learner outcomes 2.Responsiveness 3.Leadership and management
Learner outcomes: QEF Phase 1
What we’re aiming to do introduce a new format for summarising and reporting on learner outcomes ‘weight’ outcomes to reflect volume of learning in different programmes align our approach with Estyn’s develop reports which can be published in future
Progress to date measures for learner success in place annual cycle for reconciling and finalising LLWR data Learner Outcomes Report (LOR) format developed 2007/08 and draft 2008/09 LORs issued to FE and WBL providers informal consultation with providers on LOR format
Next steps finalise LOR format to take account of providers’ feedback publish 2008/09 benchmarks issue final 2008/09 LORs: WBL: April 2010 FE: May 2010 start review of ACL data and development of report format continue pilot of ‘soft skills’ tool
Responsiveness: QEF Phase 2
What we’re aiming to do put more emphasis on the ‘learner voice’ in coming to a view on provider performance ensure learners are involved in decision-making assess employer engagement and the effectiveness of services to employers
Progress to date ‘core questions’ for learner satisfaction developed and tested two pilot ‘provider-led’ learner voice surveys, in 2009 and 2010 learner involvement guidance for post-16 learning ‘responsiveness’ included as a key theme in provider SARs
Next steps evaluation of learner voice pilots development of longer-term arrangements for ‘provider led’ learner surveys learner involvement workshops further development work on employer engagement considering adopting the Training Quality Standard in Wales
Leadership and management
What we’re aiming to do ensure that all post-16 providers have effective systems in place for leadership, management and quality assurance ensure that providers respond to DCELLS policies support providers to share good practice
Progress to date annual cycle of self-assessment established for each provider policy ‘themes’ introduced in self- assessment guidance from 2009 →closer alignment with DCELLS policy teams benchmarking project to help providers use data to improve
Next steps updated self-assessment guidance: end May 2010 information from SAR annexes to be used for policy development, sharing good practice, improvement new post-inspection follow-up system aligned with ‘Estyn 2010’ involvement in Estyn WBL good practice events
Quality improvement projects Post-inspection support Peer review Measuring ‘soft skills’ Value added post-16 Managing challenging behaviour ESDGC in work-based learning Working with NUS on training for FE student representatives