PUNCHLINE What makes you …. You? INDIVIDUALITY: Definition The aggregate of qualities and characteristics that distinguish one person or thing from others;


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Presentation transcript:

PUNCHLINE What makes you …. You?

INDIVIDUALITY: Definition The aggregate of qualities and characteristics that distinguish one person or thing from others; character.

RIGHTS >>> How YOU want to be treated By other people in society; RESPONSIBILITIES >>> What responsibilities you have to other people. “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matt 7:12). MORAL LAW

“Outlaw (bikers) are nomads, always on the move. They are not tied down by jobs or restrictive relationships. A primary freedom for these bikers is the ability to take off and go anywhere, at any time … Outlaw bikers seek a lifestyle which keep the institutions at bay (courts, the media, marriage). All institutions are emasculating because they steal the biker’s ability to act automatously … An Outlaw Biker’s Definition of Individuality

… Outlaw bikers look down on middle class people – successful in business and respectable in society – as conformists who adhere too closely to society’s rules. They see a loss of individuality as citizens learn to conform and adhere too closely to society’s rules and norms.” “How Brands Became Icons” Douglas Holt (2004) An Outlaw Biker’s Definition of Individuality

“Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul and strength. Love your neighbour as your-self.” (Luke 10:27)

Other People God Yourself

PUNCHLINE What makes you …. You?