Informal Meeting with FPSC Staff 2015 Hurricane Season Preparation March 18, 2015
2 Continue to strengthen the infrastructure Prepare the storm organization Refine the restoration plan Improve communications Preparations FPL’s Hurricane Preparedness Plan Infrastructure OrganizationCommunication Restoration
3 Continue to Strengthen the Infrastructure Distribution Hardening Infrastructure Communication Communication Organization Restoration Continue 3-prong approach –EWL CIF projects/critical poles –Incremental Community projects –EWL design guidelines Storm flood/surge – Downtown Miami vaults
4 Replace all wood structures Replace all ceramic post insulators on concrete structures (complete) Install storm surge/flood monitoring & communication systems in substations (complete) Continue to Strengthen the Infrastructure Transmission Hardening Infrastructure Communication Communication Organization Restoration
5 Continue to Strengthen the Infrastructure Distribution Pole Inspections Infrastructure Communication Communication Organization Restoration 1.2 million FPL poles Initiated 2 nd 8-year cycle in 2014 Complete inspections/follow-up work
6 Continue to Strengthen the Infrastructure Transmission Pole Inspections Infrastructure Communication Communication Organization Restoration 65,000 structures Visually inspect 100% annually; climbing/bucket truck cycle inspections Key facilities (500kV/CIF) inspected before storm season
7 Continue to Strengthen the Infrastructure Distribution Vegetation Management Feeders - 3-year average trim cycle Laterals - 6-year average trim cycle Clear vegetation serving top CIF Encourage “Right Tree - Right Place ” Infrastructure Communication Communication Organization Restoration
8 Continue to Strengthen the Infrastructure Transmission Vegetation Management Inspect / clear 100% of ROW annually Infrastructure Communication Communication Organization Restoration
9 Prepare the Storm Organization Infrastructure Communication Communication Organization Restoration Storm roles identified/staffed Training –Mock staging site drill –Annual dry run event Forensic teams ready Annual Preparations
10 Refine the Restoration Plan Infrastructure Communication Communication Organization Restoration Safely restore in shortest time –How we restore power/prioritization
11 Guiding principle – Restore power to the largest number of customers safely and as quickly as possible: Start by repairing damage to power plants, damaged transmission lines and substations Simultaneously, restore power to CIF –Hospitals, police and fire stations At the same time, work to return service to the largest number of customers in the shortest amount of time –Including major thoroughfares that host supermarkets, pharmacies, gas stations and other needed community services. Once larger repairs have been made… –Restore service to smaller groups and neighborhoods –Converging on hardest hit –Working around the clock until everyone has power again. How We Restore Power Insert system model graphic
12 Refine the Restoration Plan Infrastructure Communication Communication Organization Restoration Resource plans in place –Logistics –Mutual assistance/contract crews –Inventories
13 Enhance Communications Infrastructure Communication Communication Organization Restoration Annual FPL / County EOC meetings Governmental & community communications
14 Assistance Provided to Other Utilities Georgia Power – Winter Storm Pax FPL personnel & contractors Lessons learned
15 Areas of Concern/Vulnerability Hardening – Long-term effort Multiple storms Catastrophic storms Resources unavailable Infrastructure Organization Communication Restoration
16 Infrastructure strengthened –Hardening; Pole inspections; Vegetation Organization prepared –Trained and ready Restoration plan tested & refined –Lessons learned; Technology; Forensics Communications improved Hurricane Preparedness Plan Summary Infrastructure Organization Communication Restoration
17 Hardening and Storm Preparedness Progress / Plans FPL HARDENING AND STORM PREPAREDNESS PROGRESS/PLANS DISTRIBUTION POLE INSPECTIONS (1) 2015 Plan # poles on system beginning of cycle/period1,160,8481,031,5401,160,848 # wood inspected133,5721,126,140133,363 # non-wood inspected12,75396,38011,887 Total # inspected - all pole types146,3251,222,520145,250 # replaced9,116 64,935TBD (1) 1st 8-yr. cycle 5/ /2013 TRANSMISSION POLE/STRUCTURE INSPECTIONS (SPI#3) Plan Wood Poles/Structures # poles/structures on system beginning of cycle/period13,62026,14711,550 # ground level visual inspections100% # detailed climbing/bucket inspections2,42727,7752,273 # replaced2,07014,777TBD Concrete and Steel Poles/Structures # poles/structures on system beginning of cycle/period51,23237,56053,005 # ground level visual inspections100% (2) Began 2nd 6-year cycle January 2012 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM HARDENING Plan # CIF projects (EWL) # Community Projects Highway Crossings11191 # '01' switches Flood/Surge mitigation (# vaults) (3) 666 (3) Downtown Miami network vaults TRANSMISSION HARDENING (SPI#4) (8) Plan # wood poles/structures on system beginning of period13,62026,14711,550 # wood poles/structures replaced2,07014,7771,410 Ceramic Post Insulators replaced (# structures)5905,6210 (7) Flood/Surge Monitors (# substations) (7) VEGETATION MANAGEMENT (SPI #1) (8) Plan # system feeder miles to clear in current 3-yr cycle13,554 (4) Not applicable13,554 (4) # feeder miles cleared4,24941,3124,200 # mid-cycle feeder miles cleared7,24454,6487,100 # system lateral miles to clear in current 6-yr cycle22,722Not applicable22,722 # lateral miles cleared3,68525,491 (5) 3,800 Total # miles cleared15,178121,45115,100 # trees removed23,00080,000 (6) TBD (4) Current feeder & lateral cycles began 2013; (5) Lateral ramp-up plan completed 2012; (6) n/a before 2010; (7) Completed in 2014; (8) SPI - Storm Preparedness Initiative