16th MACHC MEETING, DECEMBER 2015 MACHC CB COMMITTEE MEETING Agenda 1. Chairman’s report 2. Review of the MACHC CB since the last meeting by the MACHC CB Coordinator 3. Update on regional projects which have a CB element, OECS, FOCAHIMECA, US Support to Haiti 4. Feedback from the Panama Canal Authority/Kongsberg/CARIS Multi beam Collection and processing in Spanish training course by PCA and CARIS
16th MACHC MEETING, DECEMBER 2015 MACHC CB COMMITTEE MEETING 5. Feedback from the 2-day Hydrographic Awareness Seminar 6. Strategy for the development of hydrography in the MACHC region especially National Hydrographic Committees, actions to follow up CB activities and mentoring of hydrographic trainees 7. Open discussion 8. Close of meeting
16th MACHC MEETING, DECEMBER 2015 MACHC CB COMMITTEE MEETING Future Challenges Demand for more Spanish Language courses Managing and coordinating MACHC CB activities with a growing number of regional initiatives e.g. FOCHIAMECA, OECS, PAIGH, US support to Haiti etc
16th MACHC MEETING, DECEMBER 2015 MACHC CB COMMITTEE MEETING The integration of these projects into the MACHC CB planning will be a challenge but this shouldn't not be insurmountable with Communication and mutual understanding
16th MACHC MEETING, DECEMBER 2015 MACHC CB COMMITTEE MEETING Outcomes from our meeting:- Venues for the 2016 MACHC CB activities Which activities would you like me to submit for 2017 (recognising that the bids need to be with the CBSC by April 2016) The requirement for a Vice Chairman of the MACHC CB Committee
16th MACHC MEETING, DECEMBER 2015 MACHC CB COMMITTEE MEETING The four activities funded for 2016 are:- -An MSI & Hydro Governance Workshop for OECS Members (venue will be one of the OECS members) - Satellite Derived Bathymetry Workshop (venue to precede the 17 th MACHC meeting) - MSDI Workshop for Spanish Speakers (venue = Vera Cruz, Mexico) - A further Seminar on Raising Awareness of Hydrography (venue to precede the 17 th MACHC meeting)
16th MACHC MEETING, DECEMBER 2015 MACHC CB COMMITTEE MEETING Proposed activities for 2017:- -Repeat Technical visits -MSI Course (3 days) -Basic Hydrographic Survey Course (10 days) -MSDI & Database Management (5 days)
16th MACHC MEETING, DECEMBER 2015 MACHC CB COMMITTEE MEETING The requirement for a Vice Chairman of the MACHC CB Committee
16th MACHC MEETING, DECEMBER 2015 Any Questions? Questions